lukebergmann / Mindfull

Mindfull is a simple, but powerful mental health resource app, that allows users to find resources based on how they are feeling in the moment and to help overcome these obstacles. The app provides helpful information to users in the form of articles, readings, videos and info-graphics.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mental health resource application

This application's tech stack includes React, Express, PostgreSQL, CSS/SASS, and HTML


mindfull is a simple, yet powerful mental health resource application that allows users to find resources based on how they are feeling in the moment and to help overcome these obstacles.

** This is a demo build, which is currently only optimized for mobile viewing **

Full-stack application created by Justin Anderson (@janderson1924), Luke Bergmann (@lukebergmann), and Caden Choi (@cadenkchoi).


  • Any visitor has access to
    • Resources on resource pages
    • BetterHelp for counselling
    • GoodNewsNetwork for inspiring news and articles
    • Meditation feature
  • Registered users also have access to
    • Profile page
    • Favouriting/unfavouriting resources
    • Journalling wall where you can post notes and quotes



Top Left: Landing Page, Top Right: Moods and Resources Page, Bottom Left: Profile Page, Bottom Right: Meditation Page

"Landing Page" "Moods and Resources Pages" "Profile Page" "Meditation Page"


  1. Clone or download the respository
git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory and install dependencies for both React and Express
cd Mindfull/react-front-end
npm install
cd Mindfull/express-back-end
npm install
  1. Run reset on PostgreSQL database in Express and seed files
cd Mindfull/express-back-end
psql \i migrations/1_schema.sql
\i seeds/1_seeds.sql
  1. Click this link to temporarily unlock access to this demo build
  1. Open two terminal windows and launch both React and Express Servers
cd Mindfull/react-front-end
npm start
cd Mindfull/express-back-end
npm start
  1. Visit http://localhost:3000/ in browser (change from port 3000 in url if react asks)

Tip for Setting up Server Set proxy for React project to localhost:8080 in the package.json file, so the Express app listens to port 8080 in server.js.



  • React
  • React-router-dom
  • Axios
  • Date-fns
  • Node-sass
  • Rss-parser
  • Font Awesome
  • Material UI


  • Express
  • Body-parser
  • Cors
  • Dotenv
  • Http-proxy-middleware
  • PostgreSQL
  • Nodemon

Special Thanks

Boilerplate credit goes to @NimaBoscarino's React Rails Boilerplate. It uses the same React app, but replaces the Rails server with an Express server.


Mindfull is a simple, but powerful mental health resource app, that allows users to find resources based on how they are feeling in the moment and to help overcome these obstacles. The app provides helpful information to users in the form of articles, readings, videos and info-graphics.


Language:JavaScript 56.9%Language:SCSS 38.0%Language:HTML 4.0%Language:CSS 1.0%Language:Shell 0.1%