lukebell / lukebell


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Hi My name is Lucas Campana Levy

Senior Software Engineer

Lucas has more than 15 years experience in Information Technology with an emphasis on Software Development participating in all phases of the product including Requirement, Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, Code Reviews and Maintenance support. Expertise in Life Cycle (SDLC). He possesses extensive experience in analyzing the Business Requirement Documents, Functional Specifications and Technical Specifications. Proficient in developing/writing Software. Well versed in Front-End, Back-End and Devops tasks as well. He has the ability to learn and implement new technologies and challenging concepts quickly, excellent problem solving, and multi-tasking abilities. He also is able to work under pressure to meet deadlines and to work in a cross-functional environment. Effectively able to work as a team member as well as independently. Good verbal and written communication skills to successfully work with all levels of IT professionals and end users. He is passionate about technology, always looking for the best practices and frameworks to fit the needs, contributes with design decisions and collaborates with his team-mates.

  • 🌍  I'm based in Guimarães
  • ✉️  You can contact me at
  • 🚀  I'm currently working in DEVBORN
  • 🤝  I'm open to collaborating on Open Source, Web3, Data analysis, AI generative models


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