lukaszczerpak / osgi-tests

Repository for OSGi test projects (use case scenarios)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is a repository for my OSGi test bundles to test various use cases,
reproduce bugs, tracking regressions, ...

These basically exist for automatically finding regressions and/or new
bugs in basic OSGi frameworks like Apache Felix and/or in more
sophisticated environments like GlassFish 3.1+ which supports many of the
OSGi/JavaEE parts as of OSGi Service Platform Enterprise Specification.

* Uses TestNG
* Generic OSGi test support (abstract implementation)
* Apache Felix OSGi test support (incl. custom configurations)
* GlassFish 3.1 OSGi test support (based on Felix)
* GlassFish 3.1 OSGi + Derby test support

Test Bundles:
* simple Bundle with Activator
* simple Fragment + Host bundle
* simple Stateless Session Bean Bundle (OSGi/EJB)
* "common" component:
  * API
  * Model
  * Persistence (statically weaved using EclipseLink 2.2)
  * Utils
* "movie" component
  * Component Service API
  * Client Model
  * Persistence API
  * JPA 2.0 implementation using EJB
  * EJB Service implementation
  * POJO/SCR Service implementation

On my ToDo list currently:
* Enhance customizability of the GlassFish instance
* Add more test bundles to verify the GlassFish runtime

In order to be able to customize the GlassFish domain directory you need
to make sure that you either work directly on GlassFish trunk (rev. 45232
or higher) or to apply the patch in following bug in a local build:



Repository for OSGi test projects (use case scenarios)