lukasthoms / swift-LocationTrivia-Objects-ios-0615-public

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objects, collections

#Location Trivia Objects

An app to share the different trivia items of life around you. As users walk around NYC they are notified of nearby trivia items. Users are also able to add trivia facts and tag them to any location nearby. Through this app, we can all be a little bit smarter.


Before getting started - key thing - for this lab, you do not need to know / use / understand optionals. If you get messages suggesting you need to add a ? or ! to your code though, you do need to know that the compiler / linter thinks you are trying to assign a variable to nil. For this lab, we will not allow any of our objects to ever be nil! (Either initialize a variable when declared or in an initializer.)

  1. First create a new FISLocation class, add in the following properties:
	let name : String
	var latitude : Double
	var longitude : Double
  1. Create an initializer that takes in the three properties and assigns them correctly.

  2. Create a shortenLocationName method in your FISLocation class.

  3. Create a getLocationNamesWithLocations method that takes an Array of FISLocation objects and just return their names. This should be a class function.

  4. Create a verifyLocation method to be an instance method for FISLocation that ensures the location name is not blank (i.e. ""), and the location latitude and longitude are both possible (remember there are limits on the range of latitude and longitude!)

  5. Create a searchForLocationName:inLocations: method to search an Array of FISLocation objects.

  6. Create a new class called FISTrivia. This class should have the following properties:

    var content : String
    var likes : Int
  7. Create an initializer for FISTrivia that takes an argument for all of the properties and sets them appropriately

  8. Add an Array property to FISLocation to hold trivia items

  9. Write a method called topTrivia that returns the trivia item with the most likes.Assume this method will always return something, even if there are no trivia items for a location. (i.e. a placeholder trivia with placeholder content and zero likes.)


There are some global functions in swift that may be helpful to creating these classes. These are:

  • advance()
  • countElements()

Additionally, strings work differently in Swift than they do in Objective-C. Consider doing some reading so you understand how they are constructed.



Language:Swift 94.2%Language:Shell 5.8%