lukasmyth96 / nuvox-mobile-v1

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This repo has been superseded by a new and improved backend and frontend. The code here served as an MVP for the nuvox mobile keyboard and was used to collect a dataset for, an host a competition to develop the nuvox algorithm.

Table of Contents

What is nuvox?

nuvox is an intelligent, on-screen keyboard that allows people to type with their eyes using commercial eye-tracking hardware. The goal of the nuvox project is to leverage machine learning to maximise the speed at which people can communicate in this manner and improve peoples quality of life as a result.

You can see the first prototype of nuvox here.

What is nuvox-mobile?

The nuvox-mobile project aims to build the worlds fastest and smartest keyboard for mobile. Building a mobile version will allow us to develop and test the core nuvox algorithm on anyone with a phone, removing the requirement for users to own eye-tracking hardware. The goal is to then transfer the algorithm back to eye-tracking once perfected.

Project Structure

The project is divided into two parts:

  • /nuvox_algorithm contains everything related to the predictive text algorithms.
  • /nuvox_app contains a Django project which I've been using to collect training data, host the trace algorithm competition etc.

Development Guide


You'll probably need Python 3.6+.


  1. Clone the repo:
  2. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt

Local Django Setup

Note this is only required to access or work on the Django app - you don't need to do this if you're just working on the trace algorithm.

  1. Change directory to nuvox_app
  2. Run python migrate - this will create a db.sqlite3 file.
  3. Run python createsuperuser to create an admin account for yourself.
  4. Run python runserver to run the development server.
  5. Visit http://localhost:8000 to view the development server.

If you wish to access the development server on a mobile device then run ./ and click on the link in the output. Note this script will only work on Linux and you will only be able to access the server using a device on the same network.

Trace Algorithm Competition

What is a 'trace algorithm'?

The 'trace algorithm' is the first of two algorithms required by nuvox in order to predict which word a user wants to write. At a high level, its goal is to take the path traced by a users eye/finger/cursor in a single swipe and predict the sequence of keys that the user intended to swipe.

Consider the swipe shown below for example where a user swipes the word 'hello'. The trace algorithm would receive the sequence of (x, y, time) coordinates for each point in the path and predict the sequence of intended keys. In this case a reasonable algorithm may predict 3-2-1-4-5-6 or 3-2-4-6.

Alt text

What's the challenge?

The challenge is simply to develop the best performing trace algorithm you can! The algorithm can work in any way you like and may or may not use a machine learning model.

Algorithm Implementation

  • You should implement your algorithm by 'filling in' the TraceAlgorithm class in
  • The only requirement on your class is that it implements the predict_intended_kis method correctly.
  • This is necessary for the evaluation and competition entry scripts to work.
  • Please read the docstring of this method for an explanation of its expected output.
  • As a demo I have implemented a very simple baseline algorithm - feel free to delete this when you get started.


  • To help you develop and evaluate your algorithm there is a training set provided in JSON format.
  • To load the dataset import the load_train_set function from nuvox_algorithm.trace_algorithm.utils.
  • This function downloads the data from GDrive and parses it into a list of convenient 'Swipe' objects.
  • Each Swipe object in the dataset has the following attributes:
    • trace: List[TracePoint] is a list of each point in the trace. Each TracePoint object stores the x, y and time (s) coordinates of that point as well as the ID of the key which that point belongs to.
    • target_word: str is the word that the user intended to write.
    • target_kis: str is the intended key-id-sequence - e.g. if the target_word was 'hello' then the target_kis would be '3246'. Note this sequence is a string rather than list so that it's hashable and can be used as key of dictionary.

Evaluation on Training Set

  • Whilst developing your trace algorithm you may want to evaluate its performance on the training set.
  • To do this run the script nuvox_algorithm/trace_algorithm/scripts/
  • The script will print the accuracy of your algorithm on the train set.

Entering the Competition

Once you've implemented your algorithm follow these steps to enter the competition:

  1. Run the script nuvox_algorithm/trace_algorithm/scripts/ This will generate a submission.json file which contains the predictions of your algorithm on a separate test set where the labels have been removed.
  2. Go to
  3. Click the link to enter the competition - sign up if you haven't already.
  4. Copy and paste the entire contents of your submission.json file into the text box and submit.

Useful Functions

  • I have include a script nuvox_algorithm/trace_algorithm/visualizations/ which you can run to produce an animation of a single swipe. Note you may need to install: sudo apt-get install python3-tk for this to work depending on your Python installation.



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