lukaskubanek / Dotfiles

My personal configuration files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains following configuration of mine:

  • Dotfiles managed by Homesick
  • Custom Oh My ZSH theme called Solar Panels
  • Definition of packages to install via Homebrew & Ruby Gems


The following guide describes how to apply this configuration while setting up a macOS computer from scratch.

Step 1: Oh My ZSH

curl -L | sh

Step 2: Homebrew

Install Homebrew:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Tap homebrew-bundle:

brew tap Homebrew/bundle

Install packages defined in the Brewfile from this repository:


Step 3: Ruby & Gems

Install rbenv:

rbenv install 2.4.2
rbenv global 2.4.2

Since rbenv is not yet loaded using .zshrc it is necessary to load it manually in the shell:

if which rbenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(rbenv init -)"; fi
export PATH="~/.rbenv/shims:$PATH"

Install Bundler:

gem install bundler
rbenv rehash

And finally install gems defined in the Gemfile in this repository. Make sure Xcode is installed, because some brews may depend on it.

bundle install
rbenv rehash

Step 4: Symlinking Dotfiles using Homesick

Create a symlink from Homesick's configuration directory (~/.homesick/repos/dotfiles) to the local clone of this repository. When updating dotfiles, the changes are actually made to that local repository.

ln -s <path-to-this-repository> ~/.homesick/repos/dotfiles

Apply the symlinks. When asked to override an existing directory, type n. This is a bug in Homesick.

homesick symlink
source ~/.zshrc


My personal configuration files


Language:Ruby 56.8%Language:Shell 43.2%