lukas-shawford / grunt-shell-spawn

Fixes for orphaned processes and clobbered paths

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


UPDATE: All of the fixes contained in this fork have been merged upstream and included in version 0.3.1 of grunt-shell-spawn. If you were previously using this fork in your projects, you should now be able to use grunt-shell-spawn directly (as long as you're using version 0.3.1 or later).

A fork on grunt-shell-spawn with the following fixes:

  • Don't convert forward slashes to backslashes on Windows (#12).
  • Fix the broken :kill task to actually kill the process instead of orphaning it (#14), and add support for :kill on Windows.
    • Caveat: it is now required to explicitly use :kill to clean up any background processes you started, as they will otherwise continue running after grunt finishes.
  • Fix for capturing stderr (#15).

This plugin requires grunt >= 0.4.x. For grunt 0.3.x, use version 0.1.3.


npm install grunt-shell-spawn --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with:



Simple task:

Let's take for example launching a compass watch in background:

shell: {
    command: 'compass watch',
    options: {
        async: true


shell: {
    compassWatch: {
        command: 'compass watch',
        options: {
            async: true,
            execOptions: {
                cwd: './src/www/'
    coffeeCompile: {
        command: 'coffee -b -c -o /out /src',
        options: {
            async: false,
            execOptions: {
                cwd: './src/www/'
    options: {
        stdout: true,
        stderr: true,
        failOnError: true

Custom callbacks:

Works in synchronous or asynchronous mode.

    asyncWithCallbacks: {
        command: 'sleep 3 & echo HELLO & sleep 1 & echo WORLD & sleep 2',
        options: {
            async: true,
            stdout: function(data) { /* ... */ },
            stderr: function(data) { /* ... */ },
            callback: function(exitCode, stdOutStr, stdErrStr, done) { 

Killing an async process

Stop a running async task with the :kill task argument.

    server: {
        command: 'redis-server',
        options: {
            async: true,

grunt shell:server shell:somethingElse shell:server:kill

The process will be killed with a SIGKILL.

Please note that processes that are not killed will continue running even after grunt finishes, unless explicitly terminated using :kill. This means it is required to use :kill to clean up any processes you started, unless you want them to continue running in the background.


MIT License (c) Sindre Sorhus


Fixes for orphaned processes and clobbered paths


Language:JavaScript 100.0%