lukas-reineke / tree-sitter-org

Org grammar for tree-sitter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Unstable: This build will change.

Org grammar for tree-sitter. It is not meant to implement emacs' orgmode parser, but to implement a grammar that can usefully parse org files to be used in neovim and any library that uses tree-sitter parsers.


This section is meant to be a quick reference, not a thorough description. Refer to the tests in corpus for examples.

  • Top level node: (document)
  • Document contains: (directive)* (body)? (section)*
  • Section contains: (headline) (plan)? (property_drawer)? (body)?
  • headline contains: (stars, title, tag?+)
  • body contains: (element)+
  • element contains: (directive)* choose(paragraph, drawer, comment, footnote def, list, block, dynamic block, table)
  • paragraph contains: (textelement)+
  • text element: choose(unmarked text, markup text, timestamps, footnotes, links, latex fragments)

Like in many regex systems, */+ is read as "0/1 or more", and ? is 0 or 1.


#+TITLE: Example

Some *marked up* words

* TODO Title
<2020-06-07 Sun>

  - list a
  - [ ] list a
    - [ ] list b
    - [ ] list b
  - list a

** Subsection :tag:


Parses as:

(document [0, 0] - [16, 0]
  (directive [0, 0] - [1, 0]
    name: (name [0, 2] - [0, 7])
    value: (value [0, 9] - [0, 16]))
  (body [2, 0] - [3, 0]
    (paragraph [2, 0] - [3, 0]
      (markup [2, 5] - [2, 16])))
  (section [4, 0] - [16, 0]
    (headline [4, 0] - [4, 12]
      (stars [4, 0] - [4, 1])
      (item [4, 2] - [4, 12]))
    (plan [5, 0] - [6, 0]
      (timestamp [5, 0] - [5, 16]
        (date [5, 1] - [5, 15])))
    (body [7, 0] - [11, 10]
      (list [7, 0] - [11, 10]
        (listitem [7, 3] - [7, 10])
        (listitem [8, 3] - [10, 16]
          (list [9, 0] - [10, 16]
            (listitem [9, 5] - [9, 16])
            (listitem [10, 5] - [10, 16])))
        (listitem [11, 3] - [11, 10])))
    (section [13, 0] - [16, 0]
      (headline [13, 0] - [13, 19]
        (stars [13, 0] - [13, 2])
        (item [13, 3] - [13, 13])
        tags: (tag [13, 15] - [13, 18]))
      (body [15, 0] - [16, 0]
        (paragraph [15, 0] - [16, 0])))))


To compile the parser library for use in neovim & others:

gcc -o -I./src src/parser.c src/ -shared -Os -lstdc++

cp NEOVIMDIR/parser/

For neovim, using nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter:

Add to your init.lua (or otherwise source):

local parser_config = require "nvim-treesitter.parsers".get_parser_configs() = {
  install_info = {
    url = '<PREFIX>/tree-sitter-org',
    files = {'src/parser.c', 'src/'},
  filetype = 'org',

To build the parser using npm and run tests:

  1. Install node.js as described in the tree-sitter documentation
  2. Clone this repository: git clone and cd into it
  3. Install tree-sitter using npm: npm install
  4. Run tests: ./node_modules/.bin/tree-sitter generate && ./node_modules/.bin/tree-sitter test


Org grammar for tree-sitter

License:MIT License


Language:C 97.9%Language:Scilab 0.8%Language:JavaScript 0.6%Language:C++ 0.4%Language:Rust 0.1%Language:Python 0.0%