luizgamabh /

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Custom Grid System

Custom Grid System is a new grid system completely customizable for any need.

How it works?


@import "custom"


  +grid(6, 10)

  +grid(4, 10)


        First column
        Second column


  +grid(1, 2, $parent: true)
    +grid(1, 3)


General grid options:

  • $default-container-with: ==100% !default== width measure with unit - Website width limits
  • $default-gutter: ==24px !default== width measure with unit - Space between columns
  • $default-cols: ==12 !default== integer - Default amount of columns
  • $default-direction: =='ltr' !default== string - ltr: Left-to-right or rtl: Right-to-left
  • $default-edges: ==true !default== boolean - Enable gutter on edges (extremities)?


+container( [ $optional_params ] )

Defines your container with desired width, if ommited uses $default-container-width general variable.

Optional params

$clear: Default: false | Clear the container (can be used to disable the container in some breakpoint). $width: Container width $margin: Container margin $padding: Container padding


@media only screen and (max-width: 768px)
    +container($clear: true)

+grid($cols, [ $total, $helpers] )

Defines your grid column

Mandatory params

$cols: number of columns (integer)

Optional params

$total: Default: $default-cols | Defines a new reference overwriting the $default-cols just for this specific element.

Helper options

$gutter: width measure with unit. Overrides $default-gutter variable. $edges: boolean. Overrides $default-edges variable. $cycle: integer. Forces a breakpoint after x elements. $uncycle: integer. Removes cycle breakpoints. $direction: string (ltr or rtl). Overrides $default-direction variable. $prefix: integer. Prefix with an empty space of x columns. $suffix: integer. Suffix with an empty space of x columns. $push: integer. Pushes the column x times. $pull: integer. Pulls the column x times. $parent: boolean. Remove margins when $edges are enabled.


$default-edges: true
$default-cols: 10


    +grid(1, 2, $push: 1)

    +grid(1, 2, $pull: 1)


    +grid(10, 16, $parent: true)

      +grid(1, 4, $cycle: 4)

    +grid(6, 16)




Forces a full window column inside container, extrapolating the container width.

Uses viewport units and does not work on IE8



+prefix( $cols, [ $total: $number-of-columns ] )

Insert empty space before a grid column.

Mandatory params

$cols: integer | Prefixes the current column with blank space equivalent to x columns.

Optional params

$total: integer | Defines a new reference overwriting the $number-of-columns just for this specific element.

Helper params

$gutter: integer | Defines a new reference overwriting the $number-of-columns just for this specific element. $edges: integer | Defines a new reference overwriting the $number-of-columns just for this specific element.


$default-cols: 10

  +grid(9, $prefix: 1)

  +grid(1, 5, $prefix: 4)

  +grid(1, 5)
  +prefix(4, 5)

+suffix( $cols, [ $total: $number-of-columns ] )

Insert empty space after a grid column.

Mandatory params

$cols: integer | Suffixes the current column with blank space equivalent to x columns.

Optional params

$total: integer | Defines a new reference overwriting the $number-of-columns just for this specific element.

Helper params

$gutter: integer | Defines a new reference overwriting the $number-of-columns just for this specific element. $edges: integer | Defines a new reference overwriting the $number-of-columns just for this specific element.


$default-cols: 10

  +grid(9, $suffix: 1)

  +grid(1, 5, $prefix: 2, $suffix: 2)

  +grid(1, 5)
  +prefix(2, 5)
  +suffix(2, 5)

+push( $cols, [ $total, $relative ] )

Rearrange element position.

Mandatory params

$cols: integer | Repositions the element x $cols after.

Optional params

$total: integer | Defines a new reference overwriting the $default-cols just for this specific element. $relative: boolean | Adds position: relative; property to element, default ==true==.


$default-cols: 10


#### +pull( $cols, [ $total, $relative ] )
Rearrange element position.

###### Mandatory params
`$cols`: integer | Repositions the element x `$cols` before.

###### Optional params
`$total`: integer | Defines a new reference overwriting the $default-cols just for this specific element.
`$relative`: boolean | Adds `position: relative;` property to element, default ==true==.

$default-cols: 10



  +grid(5, $pull: 5)

+gutter([ $edges ])

Insert default gutter on any element.

Optional params

$edges: boolean | Enable or disable edges overriding $default-edges




Clear floated elements




Inserts a clearfix. Everybody knows what is that!




Increase the accuracy of relative measures, or an evil goat will eat your socks!

It is highly recommended that you work with precision when dealing with measures. At your compass.rb or config.rb file, add the following line:

Sass::Script::Number.precision = 10


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:CSS 100.0%