luisvinicius167 / godux

State Management for Go Backend application inspired in Redux.

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State Management for Go Backend applications inspired by Redux.


╔═════════╗       ╔══════════╗       ╔═══════════╗       ╔═════════════════╗
║ Action  ║──────>║ Reducer  ║ ────> ║   Store   ║ ────> ║   Application   ║
╚═════════╝       ╚══════════╝       ╚═══════════╝       ╚═════════════════╝
     ^                                                            │


  • Go: go get

Data Flow

godux gives go unidirectional data flow:

  • The Action returns a small map with specific directions that are dispatched to a Reducer.
  • The Reducer is a pure function (pure functions don't change original arguments) if relevant to it returns a new Value.
  • The Value becomes the new State of the Store.


  • Global application state is held in the Store, as a single map.
  • State is ready-only (only change it only by replacing it with the Reducer).
  • Changes are made with pure functions - Actions/Reducers that do not change the actual object but make a changed copy.


A Store is basically a container that holds your application state.

    store := godux.NewStore()
	store.Setstate("count", 1)
    store.Setstate("Title", "I like godux!")


Actions are just pure functions which pass on their inputs when they're dispatched. Actions are stored on the godux map as godux.Action.

    increment := func(number int) godux.Action {
		return godux.Action{
			Type:  "INCREMENT",
			Value: number,


As in Redux:

"Actions describe the fact that something happened, but don’t specify how the application’s state changes in response. This is the job of a reducer".

Reducers are pure functions that take in actions and the state of the store as inputs and leave them all as they came in (aka. pure)-- especially the original state of the store must not be modified (it's accessed by store.GetState)).

    // reducer function
	reducer := func(action godux.Action) interface{} {
		switch action.Type {
		case "INCREMENT":
			return store.GetState("count").(int) + action.Value.(int)
		case "DECREMENT":
			return action.Value.(int) - store.GetState("count").(int)
			return store.GetAllState()
	// Add your reducer function to return new values basend on your state


Dispatching an action is very easy.

    // Receive new value
	newCount := store.Dispatch(increment(1)) // return 2

API Reference

  • Store:

    • godux.newStore(): Create a single store with the state of your application (should only be used once).
    • godux.SetState(name string, value interface{}): Sets the state of the store.
    • godux.GetState(name string): Return a state's value.
    • godux.GetAllState(): Return the whole state as a map.
  • Reducer:
    • store.Reducer(func(action godux.Action)): Adding a reducer function to your Store.
  • Dispatch:
    • store.Dispatch(action godux.Action): Dispatching an action to your Reducer.
  • Action:

    • godux.Action( Type string, Value interface{}): Adding an easily available Action.


MIT License.


State Management for Go Backend application inspired in Redux.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%