luisfuturist / workstation-config

My personal workstation config files.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



General config

  • Set $mod as Mod4;
  • Font;
  • Keyboard layout to br-abnt2;

Key bindings powered by i3wm:

  • Resize and notification modes;
  • Layout bindings: fullscreen, split, floating/tiling, tabs, and more;
  • Screenshot using gnome-screenshot by pressing Print;
  • Start a new terminal by pressing $mod+Return;
  • Open application launcher by pressing $mod+d;
  • Adjust volume;
  • Bindings for restarting and reloading i3;
  • Bindings for workspace management.

Statusbar powered by polybar:

  • Hardware info: disk, RAM, CPU and battery usage;
  • Volume management;
  • Network name;
  • Date time;


  • Custom i3wm appearence;
  • Custom notification appearence powered by dunst;
  • Custom application launcher appearence powered by dmenu;
  • Custom xfce4-terminal appearence;
  • Custom GTK theme based on Oomox theme style;
  • Custom icon theme based on Android Lollipop's material design icons.