luisfuturist / challenge-shop-nest

Simple shop backend with RESTful API and database redundancy.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Challenge: Simple Shop Backend with Database Redundancy

This project is a backend application developed as a challenge to create a simple shop RESTful API with a database backup module.


  • API Endpoints: Implements various RESTful endpoints for managing categories, products, and stock.
  • Backup: Utilizes database backups for data redundancy, automatically backing up MySQL to PostgreSQL.

Development Setup


  • Node.js, NPM and Docker installed on your system.


git clone
npm install
docker compose up -d
npm run start


Script Description
npm run build Builds the application for production.
npm run start Starts the application in development mode.
npm run start:dev Starts the application in development mode with live-reload.
npm run star:prod Starts the application in production mode.
npm run lint Runs code linting to identify potential errors and style issues.
npm run up Runs database docker containers
npm run down Stops database docker containers

Technology Stack

  • Backend:
    • Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment.
    • NestJS: A framework for building efficient, scalable server-side applications.
  • Database:
    • MySQL: Open-source relational database management system.
    • PostgreSQL: Powerful, open-source object-relational database system.
    • Sequelize: Promise-based Node.js ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Development Tools:
    • eslint: Pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and TypeScript code.
    • prettier: Opinionated code formatter that automatically formats code according to predefined rules.
    • TypeScript: Typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
    • NestJS CLI: Command-line interface tool for NestJS applications.
  • Containerization:
    • Docker: Containerization platform used to manage MySQL and PostgreSQL databases, simplifying deployment and ensuring consistency across environments.




Method Endpoint Description
[GET] /categories Find all categories
[GET] /categories/:id Find one category by id
[POST] /categories Create a category
[PATCH] /categories/:id Update category
[DELETE] /categories/:id Remove a category (it should set null to product categoryId on delete)


Method Endpoint Description
[GET] /products Find all products
[GET] /products/:id Find one product by id
[POST] /products Create a product
[PATCH] /products/:id Update a product
[DELETE] /products/:id Remove a product (it should remove the stock)
  • It should create a stock to respective product when it was created.
  • Stock-Product has One-One Association.


Method Endpoint Description
[GET] /products/:id/stock Find the stock by associated product id.
[PATCH] /products/:id/stock Update the stock by associated product id.
[DELETE] /products/:id/stock It should return status [501] - Not Implemented. (can't delete a stock)


The application automatically backs up the MySQL database to PostgreSQL every 10 seconds. Ensure you have configured the necessary environment variables for the PostgreSQL connection in your .env file.


Simple shop backend with RESTful API and database redundancy.


Language:TypeScript 97.9%Language:JavaScript 2.1%