luisfelipesdn12 / luisfelipesdn12

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Hello, I'm Luis Felipe! I'm a information system student and I can code for: automations, websites, machine learning, APIs and data science. My main languages are TypeScript, Python and Go.

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  • πŸŽ‰ Full-Stack Software Developer at Origin9
  • πŸ“ I'm currently working with Typescript, React, GraphQL and Firebase
  • 🎞️ I've gotten to programming from a video editing and design background
  • 🌐 My main language is TypeScript, but I also love work with Python and Go


Python HTML CSS JavaScript TypeScript C C++ C# Java Go PostgreSQL NodeJS Jest Express JS Jupyter Notebook Pandas Shell Script React Tailwind CSS Styled Components GraphQL NextJS Git GitHub Vercel Heroku Amazon AWS Linux Pop! OS Figma Arduino

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Github Stats

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