luisPolanco25 / todo-console-app

My second app with Node.js is a Todo that works in the command prompt.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Todo console app

My second app with Node.js. It's a todo list that works in your command prompt and generates a .json file in the db folder that works as a database. This app uses Colors.js, Inquirer and uuid.


After downloading or cloning this repository, make sure to run npm install to reconstruct the node_modules folder. Then, to start using the app run the next command in your terminal:

npm start

It will appear the following menu:

Preview for the first menu that appears in the app

Use arrow keys or the options's number to move though them, then select what you'd like to do by pressing ENTER.


  1. Create task: After you select this option, make sure to type the description of the task you want to create.

Preview for the creation of a task

  1. View tasks list: Here you'll able to see all the tasks you've created and their status (if they're completed or not)

Preview for the tasks's list view

  1. View completed tasks: Here you'll be able to see a list of just completed tasks plus the dat they were marked as completed.

Preview for the completed tasks's list view

  1. View pending tasks: Here you'll be able to see a list of the pending tasks

Preview for the pending tasks's list view

  1. Complete task(s): Here is where you can select the task or tasks you want to complete. In the following image you have the instructions on how to select those tasks

Preview for the completing tasks option

Preview for the completing tasks option after you select a task

  1. Delete task: As its name states, with this option you can delete any task you want and it'll also be deleted in the database.

Preview for the deleting tasks option

Preview for the confirm menu at the deleting tasks option

Press Y if you want to delete your taks or n if not.

Preview for the deleting tasks option after confirming

Now if you go to the main menu and select the second option (View tasks's list), it won't appear the task you deleted.

Preview for the tasks's list view after deleting a task

  1. Exit: Closes the app.


My second app with Node.js is a Todo that works in the command prompt.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%