luhmann / hired

A time-tracking-app written with mobx, react, typescript and firebase

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status Test Coverage Code Climate js-standard-style

A simple time-tracking-application which can record the times spent on different projects and calculate the earnings based on this.


  • Ensure a node version above 7 or if you use nvm, run nvm use and the node-version will be picked up from .nvrmc
  • Make sure you have yarn installed
  • yarn run setup - Switches to correct node-version, installs dependencies and runs tests to ensure correct setup
  • Rename .env.sample to .env and switch REACT_APP_STORAGE_TYPE to localStorage or if you want to use your own firebase setup skip to the next section
  • yarn start - Starts server and client

Use Firebase

  • Firebase authentication is currently virtually non-existent, as the app is configured to just login everybody as the user "me" via custom authentication when the app is opened. For more info about the reasons see the "What you might wonder"-section below.
  • To setup your own Firebase-Back-End, you need:
    • A firebase account with a new firebase project
    • Click the Add firebase to your web app-button on the first screen after project creation
    • Use the displayed settings to fill out the corresponding values starting with REACT_APP_FB_ in the .env-file you created by copying it from .env.sample as mentioned above
    • Go to and select the project you just created
    • Click on Generate new private key
    • Copy the downloaded file to the server folder as auth.json. You will find a auth.json.sample in the place where it is supposed to go
    • In .env set the key REACT_APP_STORAGE_TYPE to firebase


  • This is a side-project which demonstrates some of my current approaches of developing and designing front-end-applications. There is additional documentation about the decisions that were made regarding technologies, application design and architecture in the format of Architecture Decision Records in the docs-folder. Please feel free to explore.
  • IMHO you get the best results in UI and UX if the people working on the app use it on a daily basis. So this is what I use to track the time I spend on different projects.
  • My preferred way of learning new technologies is constantly rewriting the same set of applications. This is one of them.

Next steps

  • Add multi-user capabilities along, which will require real authentication
  • Make entries editable
  • Turn it into a Progressive Web App, for better offline and mobile-support
  • Implement statistics
  • SSR
  • Prepack

What you might wonder

  • Authentication is not meant to be real as the user is logged in without any credentials right now. This is a one-user-app at the moment. In production it is installed into a non-public system that employs its own access-control, which allows for this shortcut. If this where a multi-user-app, real user-management and a login procedure would be in place.


Thank you for your work!


A time-tracking-app written with mobx, react, typescript and firebase

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 65.7%Language:JavaScript 32.1%Language:HTML 2.1%