ludwick / rok8s-scripts

Opinionated scripts for managing application deployment lifecycle in Kubernetes

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Kubernetes Scripts

Opinionated scripts for managing application development and deployment lifecycle using Kubernetes.

How to Install

npm install -g rok8s-scripts

To view example configuration for Helm deployments, run:


To view example configuration for Kubernetes deployments, run:



Explore the examples/ directory for example configuration files. These scripts all function based on a simple bash config file in the root of your project directory named k8s-scripts.config by default:

Sample Helm Deployment Configuration File

# Dockerfile to build

# External registry domain

# Name of repository/project

# Docker tag that will be created
# Defaults to concatenation of your external registry + repository name, i.e.:

# Namespace to work in

# List of Helm charts to deploy (paths relative to deploy directory)

# Corresponding release name(s) for charts listed above

# Corresponding values files to use for charts listed above (paths relative to deploy directory)

# Corresponding Helm timeout values for charts listed above (number of seconds to wait for deployment to succeed)

Sample Kubernetes Deployment Configuration File

# Dockerfile to build

# Docker tag that will be created

# Cluster Namespace to work in

# List of files ending in '.configmap.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.configmap.fromfile' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.service_account.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.secret.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.secret.sops.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.external' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.persistent_volume.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.persistent_volume_claim.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.statefulset.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.service.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.endpoint.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.ingress.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.deployment.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.horizontal_pod_autoscaler.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.pod_disruption_budget.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.job.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.blockingjob.yml' in the kube directory

# List of files ending in '.cronjob.yml' in the kube directory

Generating a config

There are helm-example-config and k8s-example-config scripts that will output a example configs for you.

k8s-example-config Outputs an example config to k8s-scripts.config

k8s-example-config -o Outputs an example config to the filename specified by -o flag.

Supporting multiple environments

All scripts take an -f configfile option that allows you to specify which configuration file to use.

We recommend having the default, k8s-scripts.config, setup for your minikube environment, then specify <env>.conf for each of your environments.

Deploy directory

Your kubernetes API object files should all be stored in the /deploy top level directory using consistent naming:

  • Deployments end in deployment.yml
  • Unencrypted Secrets end in secret.yml
  • Encrypted Secrets end in secret.sops.yml
  • External Secrets end in external
  • ConfigMaps end in configmap.yml
  • Persistent Volumes end in persistent_volume.yml
  • Persistent Volume Claims end in persistent_volume_claim.yml
  • Statefulsets end in statefulset.yml
  • Service accounts end in service_account.yml
  • Services end in service.yml
  • Blocking Jobs end in blockingjob.yml
  • Jobs end in job.yml
  • Ingress Resources end in ingress.yml
  • Pod Disruption Budgets end in pod_disruption_budget.yml
  • Helm Values Files end in values.yml


If you are using rok8s-scripts to deliver images to a cloud repository on AWS or GCP you will need to provide credentials as environment variables. rok8s-scripts will automatically login if the following variables exist:



  • GCLOUD_KEY Service Account Keys
  • GCP_PROJECT GCP project name
  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS A path to store Google Application Credentials

Kubernetes Access

In order to connect to a Kubernets cluster the build must authenticate. In GKE clusters having the above GCP login is sufficient. In other clusters, base64encode your kube_config file and save it in the environment variable KUBECONFIG_DATA


There are multiple ways to handle Kubernetes Secrets. Examples of each can be found in here.


This isn't recommended, but you can store you Secret manifests directly in your source code. Use the SECRETS= configuration to specify the manifests to deploy.


Using an AWS KMS ARN or Google KMS ID, Secret manifests are encrypted in the source code and decrypted at deployment time.

Whenever encrypting or decrypting data, sops requires credentials for the appropriate cloud provider (GCP or AWS). You can read more about sops usage here.

sops "--kms=arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456123456:key/e836b432-b1db-4b84-a124-6c54948d787c" --encrypt secret.yml > deploy/encrypted.secret.sops.yml
echo 'SOPS_SECRETS=(encrypted)' >> app.config
echo 'SOPS_KMS_ARN=arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456123456:key/e836b432-b1db-4b84-a124-6c54948d787c' >> app.config


You can also store your secrets in either the Google Storage or S3 object store. During deployment, secrets are copied from the object store into Secret manifests so they are never committed to the repository. You edit and manage permissions for them using the IAM permissions for your cloud provider.

When deploying, credentials for the cloud provider must be available.

Doing something like this:

mkdir mysecrets
echo -n 'asdfasdf' > mysecrets/password.txt
echo -n 'root' > mysecrets/username.txt
gsutil rsync mysecrets/ s3://exampleorg/production/mysecrets
echo 's3://exampleorg/production/mysecrets' > deploy/web-config.secret.external
echo 'EXTERNAL_SECRETS=(web-config)' >> app.config

Will generate a secret like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: web-config
  username.txt: cm9vdCAtbgo=
  password.txt: YXNkZmFkc2YgLW4K

Updating an existing Secret file for use with Google Cloud


  1. From the repo's deploy directory, run gcloud auth application-default login.
  2. A browser window will open. Log in with your Google account.
  3. Your terminal will return saying that credentials have been saved.


  1. open your <app>.secret.sops.yml, and grab the value for sops/kms/gcp_kms/resource_id
  2. sops --decrypt --input-type yml --gcp-kms <resource_id> <env>/<app>.secret.sops.yml > <env>/<app>.secret.yml
  • "Note that the first filename in this command is the encrypted file (i.e. with .sops) and the second filename is the decrypted file (i.e. without .sops)"


With the above resource_id in-hand...

  1. sops --encrypt --input-type yml --gcp-kms <resource_id> <env>/<app>.secret.yml > <env>/<app>.secret.sops.yml
  2. Ensure that you delete your unencrypted files, <env>/<app>.secret.yml



Does a build of the current directory `docker build --rm=false -t $DOCKERTAG -f ${BASEDIR}/$DOCKERFILE ${BASEDIR}``


Pulls from the registry the most recent build of the image. Useful for CI/CD layer caching


Pushes the recently built image to the registry.

This requires the environment variables:

  • CI_SHA1

And either CI_BRANCH or CI_TAG


Using helm chart(s) to manage release. Helm allows more templateing and DRYer config but increase the complexity of the Kubernetes spec files. Reference the example ./examples/helm and the helm documentation for assitance creating charts.


Installs all the external requirements for rok8s-scripts. Installs are done via package management (requiring sudo) or by installing things to $ROK8S_INSTALL_PATH which is /usr/local/bin by default


kubectl apply's files in the config.

If a Docker image is used in the file then any cases of :latest will be replaced with th CI_SHA1 if it is defined. This allows a set image tag to be used when deploying from a CI system. When files that could use CI_SHA1 are deployed, a new file will be created with that value as part of the filename.

Leverages kubernetes annotations with --record when creating objects.

If using an HPA, set replicas: hpa in the deployment file to have k8s-deploy get the current number of replicas from the cluster and deploy that number of replicas. This is a workaround for an open issue (kubernetes/kubernetes#25238).


Verifies your deployment was successful within a specified timeout.


Combines k8s-deploy and k8s-verify into a single command. This can be used to keep a smaller script/deployment config and for backwards compatibility.


Nukes everything defined in your k8s-scripts config file.


Linter to provide quick feedback on files. This should be used as part of your CI testing to lint on each build to discover problems before they stop a deployment.


k8s-lint -f k8s-scripts.config

Will exit non-zero on a failure.

Current checks:

  • Files referenced in config file exist (does not check for secrets files)
  • Deployments contain a revisionHistoryLimit
  • CronJobs contain a JobsHistoryLimit
    • History Limits are supported on kubernetes versions greater than 1.6
    • If cluster version =<1.6, the lint will fail.


Switches to the minikube kubectl context, builds a Docker image from your current directory within the minikube Docker environment.


Switches the minikube kubectl context, then runs k8s-deploy


Switches to the minikube kubectl context and deletes all of the objects associated with the k8s-scripts.config


Switches to the minikube kubectl context and prints out the accessible ip:port of any services defined in the config file that are accessible from your local machine


Switches to the minikube kubectl context and prints all the accessible ip:port of all services that are accessible from your local machine


Uses aws to configure Docker to use ECR. This requires:

  • AWS_ECR_ACCOUNT_ID - The account ID for the ECR account to use.
  • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION - The region to use
  • Standard AWS credentials for aws


Uses gcloud to download and configure kubectl, configures Docker to use Container Registry and sets the default GCP projecct. This requires:

  • CLUSTER_NAME - The short name of the cluster as shown in the GKE dashboard
  • GCP_ZONE - The zone of the cluster
  • GCP_PROJECT - The GCP project name (as passed to gcloud with --project)
  • GCLOUD_KEY - The base64-encoded service account credentials


Initializes the Kubernetes config to be used with kubectl using a base64-encoded config file from the KUBECONFIG_DATA variable. If KUBECONFIG_DATA is defined this script will base64 --decode and place the value into KUBECONFIG to be used by kubectl.

To generate a KUBECONFIG_DATA value you can use cat ~/.kube/config | base64.


  • In your Deployment file, specify imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  • When using HPA in your Deployment file, the value of $DEPLOYMENT must match the deployment name or rok8s-scripts will not be able to determine the current number of replicas.


Create an annotated tag on the commit you would like to release

HASH is the commit-ish to tag. VERSION is the version to tag the HASH as. This should be of the form of v[MAJOR].[MINOR].[PATCH], with an appended -TEXT as needed.

Follow Semantic Versioning.

git checkout $HASH
git tag -a $VERSION

Create a message with a 1-line subject, a blank line, then a 1+ line description.

The SUBJECT will be used as the name of the release. The description will be the description of the release.

It is encouraged (but not required) to include changes for this release in the description along with any helpful release notes.



Your tag commit message may look like

v0.0.0 Awesome Release Name

Breaking Changes:

* No longer defends against non-awesome debuffs

New Features:

* Add new --awesome flag to enable extra awesomeness!

Bug Fixes:

* Fix infinite loop in weird use case

Push your tag with


A Github Release will be created by CircleCI and an NPM package will be pushed to NPMjs.

Git Hooks

Living in the githooks directory are a collection of scripts that may be included as git hooks. The intention is to present a collection of scripts to present a basic level of validation in an automated fashion.

If there is a single script that you would like to include as a hook, you may simply symlink it directly. For example, if I want to verify that my yaml is valid before a commit, I can symlink that script to the pre-commit hook like so:

ln -s githooks/lint_yaml .git/hooks/pre-commit

Note that this will be only impact the local copy of the repo; hooks enabled will not be committed and pushed, so they will not be received on a pull. This effectively makes them "opt-in".

CI Docker Images

We host images that you can use to run your own CI. They can be found on quay

NOTE: The images on Docker Hub are deprecated in favor of the images on Quay.


Opinionated scripts for managing application deployment lifecycle in Kubernetes

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 95.8%Language:Python 4.2%