sensim_cluster calculates the similarity of text data(from file) using Levenshtein distance and clusters(hierarchical clustering) the result. Clustering results are displayed with dendrogram.
- Prepare your data file
- Run this program below
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from sensim_cluster.sensim_cluster import SensimCluster
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram
cluster = SensimCluster('YOUR_DATAFILE_PATH')
ids = cluster.get_ids()
result = cluster.ward()
mod_ids = [id[-6:] for id in ids]
r = dendrogram(result, p=100, truncate_mode='lastp', labels=mod_ids, leaf_rotation=90)
# build from docker-compose.yml
docker-compose build
# run container "app"
docker-compose run app
# kill container
docker-compose kill
# delete container
docker-compose rm calculates the similarity of text data(from file) using Levenshtein distance and clusters(hierarchical clustering) the result. Clustering results are displayed with dendrogram.
python your_file
python ./data/dummydata.csv
[['A', 'helloworld'], ['B', 'hallawerld'], ['C', 'helldwoody'], ['D', 'hallowarld'], ['E', 'galloworld'], ['F', 'herroworld']]
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']
['helloworld', 'hallawerld', 'helldwoody', 'hallowarld', 'galloworld', 'herroworld']
n0, n0 : 0
n0, n1 : 3
n0, n2 : 4
n0, n3 : 2
n0, n4 : 2
n0, n5 : 2
n1, n0 : 3
n1, n1 : 0
n1, n2 : 6
n1, n3 : 2
n1, n4 : 3
n1, n5 : 5
n2, n0 : 4
n2, n1 : 6
n2, n2 : 0
n2, n3 : 6
n2, n4 : 6
n2, n5 : 6
n3, n0 : 2
n3, n1 : 2
n3, n2 : 6
n3, n3 : 0
n3, n4 : 2
n3, n5 : 4
n4, n0 : 2
n4, n1 : 3
n4, n2 : 6
n4, n3 : 2
n4, n4 : 0
n4, n5 : 4
n5, n0 : 2
n5, n1 : 5
n5, n2 : 6
n5, n3 : 4
n5, n4 : 4
n5, n5 : 0
matrix: [[0, 3, 4, 2, 2, 2], [3, 0, 6, 2, 3, 5], [4, 6, 0, 6, 6, 6], [2, 2, 6, 0, 2, 4], [2, 3, 6, 2, 0, 4], [2, 5, 6, 4, 4, 0]]
[[ 3. 4. 3. 2. ]
[ 1. 6. 4.2031734 3. ]
[ 0. 5. 4.89897949 2. ]
[ 7. 8. 7.57187779 5. ]
[ 2. 9. 12.05542755 6. ]]