luciferreeves / vaccinosaurus

Vaccinosaurus is a COVID-19 vaccine availability tracker and notifier. This website can tell you about available vaccination centers and available slots in your area as well as it can notify you if a slot is available in the near future.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Deployed on Heroku GitHub deployments GitHub Repo stars

You can visit Vaccinosaurus by clicking this link. Vaccinosaurus only works in India.

Table of Contents

What is Vaccinosaurus?

Vaccinosaurus is a COVID-19 vaccine availability tracker and notifier. This website can tell you about available vaccination centers and available slots in your area as well as it can notify you if a slot is available in the near future.

Why Vaccinosaurus?

Why is it called Vaccinosaurus? For one, dinosaurs are were cool! And two, there was an utter shortage of cool unique names. So, here we are, T-Rex!

How do I get notified?

Vaccinosaurus saves your information like your vaccine choice, age, PIN code, district and notifies you via email whenever a slot is available for you in your nearest vaccination center.

You save data?

Don't worry about the data as Vaccinosaurus is not Facebook! If you are still thinking that your data is at risk, literally the whole code is made available on GitHub for your keen inspection.

Cool, what database do you use?

Vaccinosaurus uses Firestore for quick and realtime updates. Behind the scenes, Vaccinosaurus runs a cron job every minute to collect information about the available vaccines. Here is the current security rule of Vaccinosaurus for Firestore:

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /{document=**} {
      allow read, write: if request.auth != null;

The above security rule will allow read and write access to only authenticated users.

Local Development

Fork the repository and clone it to your local machine. cd into the folder and install the dependencies:

cd vaccinosaurus && npm install

Finally start the server:

npm start

You will need to add a .env file to the root of the vaccinosaurus folder in order to run admin functions. If you're planning to use your own firebase credentials then please replace the credentials found in: public/js/auth.js file.

In order to generate Firebase admin SDK credentials go to or click to go to the service accounts page directly. Click on Create Service Account and then click on Generate new private key as shown below:

Firebase Add Service Account

You fill get a JSON file. Copy the JSON file contents and go to and paste your contents in the 'Text' field and click 'Encode text to Base64' button, as shown below:

Base 64 Converter

Finally copy the Base64 String and save into your .env file as follows:


Issues and Pull Requests

If you found any issues or want to make any suggestions, please feel free to open an Issue.

If you have fixed an issue and want to merge your code with us, then please open a Pull Request and add necessary description along with the issue that your pull request fixes.

If you like the work, then please add your name to the Stargazers list by starring the repository.


This work is available under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE file for details.


Vaccinosaurus is a COVID-19 vaccine availability tracker and notifier. This website can tell you about available vaccination centers and available slots in your area as well as it can notify you if a slot is available in the near future.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 63.8%Language:Pug 32.1%Language:CSS 4.0%