luciferreeves / countryfetch

A cli tool for fetching information about countries.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A cli tool for fetching information about countries. It uses API for backend.




clone this repository:

git clone

navigate to the cloned repo folder and run install:

cd ./countryfetch

The app should now be installed.

alternatively, you can compile it yourself and store it in your local bin directory (might be safer):

deno compile --allow-all main.ts
cp ./countryfetch  ~/.local/bin

If after this your shell cannot find countryfetch, this means you haven't added your local bin to PATH. Either add it to PATH, or make an alias in your .bashrc or .zshrc:

alias countryfetch="~/.local/bin/countryfetch"


countryfetch <arguments>


  • <country_name> - Find country information by name.
  • capital <capital> - Find country to which the specified capital belongs.
  • sync - Fetches data from API and stores it in ~/.cache/countryfetch/countries.json. This is done automatically, but can be triggered manually.
  • random - Get random country information.
  • raw - Print country information in raw format as JavaScript object.


$ countryfetch germany

Country:                 Germany 🇩🇪
Lat/Lng                  51/9
Population:              83,240,525
Languages:               German
Capital:                 Berlin
Capital Lat/Lng:         52.52/13.4
Region:                  Europe
Subregion:               Western Europe
Timezones:               UTC+01:00
Top Level Domain:        .de
Currencies:              Euro [€](EUR)


If you get an error after installing the newer version of the program, such as "cannot read properties of undefined", you might have an outdated cache. Try running countryfetch sync to update the cache.

Would be nice to have in the future (a bit ambitious):

  • Display country flag in ASCII format (like in neofetch).
  • Users can customize which information to display about country.
  • Get only one particular property about country (for example, get just the timezone of Netherlands).
  • Custom query builder that makes a direct call to api and returns a readable information.
  • A capital guessing game.


I will add new features when I have time, but you don't have to wait - add them yourself! Submit pull requests, or fork it and make it your own alltogether.


A cli tool for fetching information about countries.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 98.3%Language:Shell 1.7%