lucifar-evening-star / customify

Customize the shit out of it

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A Theme Customizer Booster

With Customify, you can easily add Fonts, Colors, Live CSS Editor and other options to your theme.

How to use it?

First you need to install and activate the stable version. This will always be on

Now go to ‘Appearance -> Customize’ menu and have fun with the new fields.

Make your own customizer

So this plugin adds some fields in customizer, no big deal right? How about adding your own customizer fields?

The Customify $config can be filtered by any theme and this is how you do it, include this filter in your theme(probably in functions.php)

 // Advice: change this function's name and make sure it is unique
add_filter('customify_filter_fields', 'make_this_function_name_unique' );

function make_this_function_name_unique( $config ) {

	// usually the sections key will be here, but a check won't hurt
	if ( ! isset($config['sections']) ) { 
		$config['sections'] = array();
	// this means that we add a new entry named "theme_added_settings" in the sections area
	$config['sections']['theme_added_settings'] = array(
		'title' => 'Section added dynamically',
		'settings' => array( 
			// this is the field id and it must be unique
			'field_example' => array(
				'type'  => 'color', // there is a list of types below
				'label' => 'Body color', // the label is optional but is nice to have one
				'css' => array(
					// the CSS key is the one which controls the output of this field
					 	// a CSS selector
						'selector' => '#logo',
						// the CSS property which should be affected by this field
						'property' => 'background-color',
					// repeat this as long as you need
						'selector' => 'body',
						'property' => 'color',
	// when working with filters always return filtered value
	return $config;

The Customify plugin also create's its own defaults this way. You can see that in customify/customify_config.php Personally I like to simply copy this file in my child theme and include it in functions.php with

require 'customify_config.php'

And after that the sky is the limit, I can style any elements or group of elements in customizer.

The intro is over let's get to some advanced stuff.

Advanced Things

The $config variable

This is the array which is processed by the customify_filter_fields filter and it contains:

  • 'sections' an array with sections(each section holds an array with fields)
  • 'panels' an array of panels( each panel holds an array with sections)
  • 'opt-name' the option key name which will hold all these options

Media queries

The css configuration can also hold a media parameter which will make the output of the CSS property, to wrap in the specified media query, for example:

'site_title_size' => array(
	'type'  => 'range',
	'label' => 'Site Title Size',
	'default' => 24,
	'css' => array(
			'property' => 'font-size',
			'selector' => '.site-title',
			'media' => 'screen and (min-width: 1000px)'

This will make the property take effect only on screens larger than 1000px, because on mobile devices you may not want a bigger logo.

Field callbacks

Each field can take a 'callback_filter' parameter.This should be a function name which should be called when a field is changed.

For example let's take this range field:

'sidebar_width' => array(
	'type'  => 'range',
	'label' => 'Sidebar width',
	'input_attrs' => array(
		'min'   => 60,
		'max'   => 320,
		'step'  => 60,
	'css' => array(
			'selector' => 'span.col',
			'property' => 'width',
			'unit' => 'px',
			'callback_filter' => 'this_setting_can_call_this_function'

Now let's create a callback which multiplies the effect of this css property Let's say that we want the sidebar to grow faster in length and double its value when the slider is changed

function this_setting_can_call_this_function( $value, $selector, $property, $unit ) {

	$this_property_output = $selector . ' { '. $property .': '. ( $value * 2 ) . $unit . "; } \n";

	return $this_property_output;

Fields Live Preview Support! Description
Text Yes with classes A simple text input
Textarea Yes with classes A simple text area input
Ace Editor Yes with classes An ace editor that supports plain_text / css / html / javascript / json / markdown
Color Yes A simple color picker
Range Yes The default html5 range input
Typography No This is an awesome font selector, it supports standard fonts and google fonts. You can also Group fonts or offer a list of recommended fonts
Select No The standard HTML select
Radio No
Checkbox No
Upload No This field allows you to upload a file which you can use it later in front-end
Image No This is like the upload field, but it accepts only images
Date No
Pages select No The standard WordPress Page Select
Select2 No An awesome select
Presets No An radio input option to select a group of options (inception style ^^)
HTML field No A field which allows you to add custom HTML in customizer and hook into it with javascript later ;)

Live Preview Support

There are a few fields which support this feature for now, but those are awesome.These fields are capable to update the previewer iframe without refreshing the iframe, the preview should be instant.

This is recommended for color fields because you won't need to stop drag-and-dropping the color select to see what color would be better.

Note All the text fields have support for a live preview but they require an array of classes instead of the boolean true for the live parameter.

For example a fields which would provide the copyright text from footer whould be like this:

'footer_copyright' => array(
	'type'     => 'text',
	'label'    => 'Footer Copyright'
	'default'  => 'All contents © Pixelgrade 2011-2015'
	'sanitize_callback' => 'wp_kses_post',
	'live' => array( '.copyright-class' )

For this example the element with the .copyright-class class will get the text replaced as soon as the user types a new text. I bet this is awesome.


Since version 1.1.0 we added support for presets options. With this fields, you can pre-define other options. Here is and example of how to config this.

'theme_style'   => array(
	'type'      => 'preset',
	'label'     => __( 'Select a style:', 'customify_txtd' ),
	'desc' => __( 'Conveniently change the design of your site with built-in style presets. Easy as pie.', 'customify_txtd' ),
	'default'   => 'silk',
	'choices_type' => 'select',
	'choices'  => array(
		'silk' => array(
			'label' => __( 'Silk', 'customify_txtd' ),
			'options' => array(
				'links_color' => '#FAC2A8', //second
				'headings_color' => '#A84469', //main
				'body_color' => '#ffffff', // -
				'headings_font' => 'Playfair Display', //main
				'body_font' => 'Merriweather'
		'red' => array(
			'label' => __( 'Urban', 'customify_txtd' ),
			'options' => array(
				'links_color' => 'red',
				'headings_color' => 'red',
				'body_color' => 'red',
				'headings_font' => 'Exo',
				'body_font' => 'Pacifico'
		'black' => array(
			'label' => __( 'Black', 'customify_txtd' ),
			'options' => array(
				'links_color' => '#ebebeb',
				'headings_color' => '#333',
				'body_color' => '#989898',
				'headings_font' => 'Arvo',
				'body_font' => 'Lora'

The upper example will output a select which will change all the fields setted up in the options array.

If you don't like the select type, at choices_type you can choose between select, button and an awesome radio select which allows you not only change de font-end options but also the preview button style.

Wanna have a preset like this?


Just add this section in your config

'presets_section' => array(
	'title'    => __( 'Style Presets', 'customify_txtd' ),
	'options' => array(
		'theme_style'   => array(
			'type'      => 'preset',
			'label'     => __( 'Select a style:', 'customify_txtd' ),
			'desc' => __( 'Conveniently change the design of your site with built-in style presets. Easy as pie.', 'customify_txtd' ),
			'default'   => 'royal',
			'choices_type' => 'awesome',
			'choices'  => array(
				'royal' => array(
					'label' => __( 'Royal', 'customify_txtd' ),
					'preview' => array(
						'color-text' => '#ffffff',
						'background-card' => '#615375',
						'background-label' => '#46414c',
						'font-main' => 'Abril Fatface',
						'font-alt' => 'PT Serif',
					'options' => array(
						'links_color' => '#8eb2c5',
						'headings_color' => '#725c92',
						'body_color' => '#6f8089',
						'page_background' => '#615375',
						'headings_font' => 'Abril Fatface',
						'body_font' => 'PT Serif',
				'lovely' => array(
					'label' => __( 'Lovely', 'customify_txtd' ),
					'preview' => array(
						'color-text' => '#ffffff',
						'background-card' => '#d15c57',
						'background-label' => '#5c374b',
						'font-main' => 'Playfair Display',
						'font-alt' => 'Playfair Display',
					'options' => array(
						'links_color' => '#cc3747',
						'headings_color' => '#d15c57',
						'body_color' => '#5c374b',
						'page_background' => '#d15c57',
						'headings_font' => 'Playfair Display',
						'body_font' => 'Playfair Display',
				'queen' => array(
					'label' => __( 'Queen', 'customify_txtd' ),
					'preview' => array(
						'color-text' => '#fbedec',
						'background-card' => '#773347',
						'background-label' => '#41212a',
						'font-main' => 'Cinzel Decorative',
						'font-alt' => 'Gentium Basic',
					'options' => array(
						'links_color' => '#cd8085',
						'headings_color' => '#54323c',
						'body_color' => '#cd8085',
						'page_background' => '#fff',
						'headings_font' => 'Cinzel Decorative',
						'body_font' => 'Gentium Basic',
				'carrot' => array(
					'label' => __( 'Carrot', 'customify_txtd' ),
					'preview' => array(
						'color-text' => '#ffffff',
						'background-card' => '#df421d',
						'background-label' => '#85210a',
						'font-main' => 'Oswald',
						'font-alt' => 'PT Sans Narrow',
					'options' => array(
						'links_color' => '#df421d',
						'headings_color' => '#df421d',
						'body_color' => '#7e7e7e',
						'page_background' => '#fff',
						'headings_font' => 'Oswald',
						'body_font' => 'PT Sans Narrow',
				'adler' => array(
					'label' => __( 'Adler', 'customify_txtd' ),
					'preview' => array(
						'color-text' => '#fff',
						'background-card' => '#0e364f',
						'background-label' => '#000000',
						'font-main' => 'Permanent Marker',
						'font-alt' => 'Droid Sans Mono',
					'options' => array(
						'links_color' => '#68f3c8',
						'headings_color' => '#0e364f',
						'body_color' => '#45525a',
						'page_background' => '#ffffff',
						'headings_font' => 'Permanent Marker',
						'body_font' => 'Droid Sans Mono'
				'velvet' => array(
					'label' => __( 'Velvet', 'customify_txtd' ),
					'preview' => array(
						'color-text' => '#ffffff',
						'background-card' => '#282828',
						'background-label' => '#000000',
						'font-main' => 'Pinyon Script',
						'font-alt' => 'Josefin Sans',
					'options' => array(
						'links_color' => '#000000',
						'headings_color' => '#000000',
						'body_color' => '#000000',
						'page_background' => '#000000',
						'headings_font' => 'Pinyon Script',
						'body_font' => 'Josefin Sans',


Customize the shit out of it

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:JavaScript 47.5%Language:PHP 44.2%Language:CSS 8.3%Language:Ruby 0.1%