lucidworks / fusion-spark-bootcamp

Fusion Spark Bootcamp

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Fusion Spark Bootcamp

This project contains examples and labs for learning how to use Fusion's Spark features.

  • apachelogs: Run a custom script job in Scala that performs sessionization (using a SQL window function) and then computes some aggregations for each user session
  • eventsim: Index simulated event data (from using Fusion index pipelines and time-based partitioning
  • mlsvm: Classify sentiment of tweets using SVM model trained with Spark MLlib
  • ml20news: 20 newsgroup classifier based on Spark ML pipeline
  • movielens: Scala script to load movielens data into Fusion


Download and install the latest version of Fusion 4.0.x from Take note of the location where you installed Fusion, such as /opt/lucidworks/fusion/4.0.0. We'll refer to this location as $FUSION_HOME hereafter.

Start Fusion by doing:

bin/fusion start

Login to the Fusion Admin UI in your browser at: http://localhost:8764

If this is the first time you're running Fusion, then you will be prompted to set a password for the default "admin" user.

Edit the script in this project to set environment specific variables used by lab setup scripts.

The default mode of Fusion 4.0.x is to run Spark in local mode, but for these labs, we recommend starting the Fusion Spark Master and Worker processes.

bin/spark-master start
bin/spark-worker start

Open the Spark Master UI at http://localhost:8767 and verify the cluster is alive and has an active worker process.

Lastly, please launch the Fusion Spark shell to verify all Fusion processes are configured and running correctly.



This lab requires Fusion 4.0.0 or later.

Run the labs/apachelogs/ script to create the Fusion objects needed to support this lab.

The setup script will index some sample log entries using the Fusion log indexer, see: Fusion Log Indexer

Once indexed, the setup script registers a Scala script (labs/apachelogs/sessionize.scala) as a custom script job in Fusion and then runs the job. Note that the scala script has to be converted into JSON (see job.json) when submitting to Fusion.

When the job finishes, check the aggregated results in the apachelogs_signals_aggr collection. You may need to send a hard commit to make sure all records are committed to the index:

curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/apachelogs_signals_aggr/update?commit=true"


This lab demonstrates how to read time-partitioned data using Spark.

Run the labs/eventsim/ script to create the Fusion objects needed to support this lab.

The setup script launches the Fusion spark-shell to index 180,981 sample documents (generated from the eventsim project).


This lab demonstrates how to deploy a Spark ML pipeline based classifier to predict a classification during indexing; requires Fusion 4.0.0 or later.

NOTE: If you're running a multi-node Fusion cluster, then you need to run the setup script for this lab on a node that is running the connectors-classic service.

Run the labs/ml20news/ script to create the Fusion objects needed to run this lab.

To see how the model for this lab was trained, see: MLPipelineScala.scala


This lab demonstrates how to deploy a Spark MLlib based classifier to predict sentiment during indexing; requires Fusion 4.0.0. or later.

Run the labs/mlsvm/ script to create the Fusion objects needed to run this lab.

To see how the model for this lab was trained, see: SVMExample.scala


This lab requires Fusion 4.0 or later.

Run the labs/movielens/ script to create collections in Fusion and populate them using Spark.

The setup script downloads the ml-100k data set from and extracts it to labs/movielens/ml-100k.

You'll need unzip installed prior to running the script.

The setup script also invokes the Spark shell to load data into Solr, see the load_solr.scala script for more details.

Behind the scenes, the setup script launches the Spark shell in Fusion by doing:

$FUSION_HOME/bin/spark-shell -i load_solr.scala

After loading the data, the setup script will (re)start the Fusion SQL engine using:

$FUSION_HOME/bin/sql restart

Test the Catalog API endpoint by executing the script.

NOTE: It make take a few seconds the first time you run a query for Spark to distribute the Fusion shaded JAR to worker processes.

You can tune the resource allocation for the SQL engine so that it has a little more memory and CPU resources. Specifically, we'll give it 6 CPU cores and 2g of memory; feel free to adjust these settings for your workstation.

curl -u admin:password123 -H 'Content-type:application/json' -X PUT -d '6' "http://localhost:8764/api/apollo/configurations/fusion.sql.cores"
curl -u admin:password123 -H 'Content-type:application/json' -X PUT -d '6' "http://localhost:8764/api/apollo/configurations/fusion.sql.executor.cores"
curl -u admin:password123 -H 'Content-type:application/json' -X PUT -d '2g' "http://localhost:8764/api/apollo/configurations/fusion.sql.memory"
curl -u admin:password123 -H 'Content-type:application/json' -X PUT -d '6' "http://localhost:8764/api/apollo/configurations/fusion.sql.default.shuffle.partitions"

You'll need to restart the SQL engine after making these changes.


This lab requires Fusion 4.0 or later Run the ./labs/ground_truth/ to start this lab. This script creates Fusion PBL jobs to index product catalog and signals data from S3. Once the datasets are indexed, the script creates an experiment with ranking metrics variant and runs both ground truth and ranking metrics jobs. Once the script has finished, Navigate to 'Insights UI' from Fusion UI to view the results of ranking metric jobs


This lab requires Fusion 4.0 or later Run the labs/sparknlp-ner/ to start this lab. This script uploads a Fusion PBL job into Fusion, which can then be manually started to finish the job.

The job downloads the conll2003 dataset (stored in a lucidworks AWS S3 bucket), and runs sparknlp's DLNerModel against each sentence in the data. Consequently, the words in each sentences are tagged with the I-PER, I-ORG, I-LOC, I-MISC, and O tags, and the result written to a collection named sparknlp_ner_extraction in the Fusion-managed Solr host.


  • Please turn off spark master/worker before starting this job (bin/spark-master stop and bin/spark-worker stop).
  • Please ensure that you have configured core-site.xml and copied it to $FUSION_HOME/apps/spark-dist/conf before running the scripts. The credentials should be present in the machine that hosts Fusion (and not where this lab is executed).


Fusion Spark Bootcamp


Language:Shell 62.1%Language:Scala 32.1%Language:Python 5.9%