lucdew / crypto-calc

Cryptographic calculator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Cryptographic Calculator

Crypto-calc is a crypto "swiss army knife" like app that enables to perform some cryptographic operations on small amount of data. It is developed as web application and should run fine on Chrome/Firefox/Safari (the Internet Explorer has some issues even on IE 11 ). Note that all cryptographic operations run locally (no Ajax).

Project is no longer maintained.


Currently the following features are implemented.

  • Symmetric encryption/decryption:

    • Ciphers: DES / 3DES / AES (! 3DES with double length or triple length keys!)
    • Block cipher modes: ECB / CBC / CFB / OFB / CTR / GCM with Additional Authenticated Data
    • Padding: ISO-7816-4 / PKCS#5(PKCS#7) / NO Padding / X.923 / ISO 10126
  • RSA encryption/decryption:

  • Algos: RSA-OAEP/ PKCS#1.5

  • Keypair: raw public key , x509 certificate (only encryption), (encrypted) pkcs#8, raw private key

  • Banking:

    • ISO-9564 format 0 to 3 PIN block generation and parsing
    • Primary Account Number (PAN) parsing detecting the issuing network
  • Message hashing and HMAC:

    • MD5
    • SHA1
    • SHA2 (224,256,384,512,512-224,512-256)
    • SHA3 (384,512)
  • Utilities:

    • Encoding/Decoding to/from base64,hexa string, ascii...
    • Bitwise operations

Web Build

Install dependencies

$ npm install

and build

$ npm run-script buildweb

The zip file in the dist folder holds the web app.


MIT © lude


Cryptographic calculator

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 56.0%Language:JavaScript 25.2%Language:HTML 15.4%Language:CSS 3.5%