lucazav / speaker-evaluation-statistics

The fully customizable #R solution every technical event planner needed to easily deliver a great report about speaker evaluations

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Speaker Evaluation Statistics Report

When organizing events in which sessions are planned, it is important to gather feedback from participants in order to understand whether the interest and expectations of attendees have been met. Feedbacks are also useful to speakers, who can understand if the material prepared and the speech waere appreciated by attendees.

In order to collect all the feedbacks for each session, evaluation forms are often provided to attendees. The following one is the evaluation form used in SQLSaturday #777 in Parma:

Here the meanings of Italian phrases:

Italian English
Titolo sessione Session title
Quali erano le tue aspettative What were your expectations
Quanto è stato interessante How interesting it was
Questo corso è stato utile This course was useful
Come ti è sembrata l'esposizione How the oral presentation was
Cosa ne pensi dello speaker (barra le qualità dello speaker) What about the speaker (Check the speaker's qualities)
Divertente, Esperto, Oratore, Motivatore, Insegnante Funny, Expert, Orator, Motivator, Teacher
Note Notes

At the end of the event, all the session evaluations are collected and registered in an Excel file. Following a given Excel template, the R code provided in the Rmd (R Markdown) file generates a beautiful report about the statistics of feedbacks if compiled in RStudio.

Technical Details

The report generated by the Rmd file automatically adapts itself to customized sets of session and speaker's attributes used in the form. In order to correctly compile the report, you have to follow some guidelines you can find below.

Excel File Structure

The Excel file used to collect the feedbacks has to have two sheets in the following order:

  1. Speakers
  2. Sessions

You can find an Excel file with the upon mentioned structure in this repository. It is used for the demo.

The Speakers sheet contains the following informations:

  • Speaker name
  • Session name
  • Track name (usually sessions are organized in tracks to better address the attendees interest)
  • Room capacity

The sessions sheet contains all the informations about the session evaluations:

  • Speaker name
  • { a set of session evaluations } (values between 1 and a max defined in the form, in our case 6)
  • { a set of speaker evaluations } (values can be 1 or 0)
  • Notes (optional)

The two aforementioned sets of variables have to be declared into the R code.

Input Parameters in R Code

The input parameters to fill in the Rmd file are the following:

  • excel.full.path (full path of the Excel file; giving only the filename with the extension, will get the file in the same folder of the Rmd file)
  • speaker.characteristcs (in our case: "Expectation", "Interesting", "Useful", "OralPresentation")
  • speaker.qualities (in our case: "IsFunny", "IsExpert", "IsOrator", "IsMotivator", "IsTeacher")
  • exists.notes (flag that identifies the existence of the "Notes" variable)
  • characteristics.circular.barplot.txthjust (vector for label adjustments in a barplot)
  • qualities.circular.barplot.txthjust (vector for label adjustments in a barplot)
  • feedback.image.path (full path of an optional image of the evaluation form)

R Version Used

I developed the R script using the 3.4.3 version. It is tested with success on 3.5.x version (using the updated library of tidyverse).

Current Limitations

Actually the report has the following limitations:

  • One speaker can deliver only one session


You can find a fully functional HTML demo here


The fully customizable #R solution every technical event planner needed to easily deliver a great report about speaker evaluations