lucav76 / Spring-Boot-Data-REST-JPA

Example of a Spring Boot Data REST application with JPA

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


To reduce the amount of code written, I chose to use Spring Data REST, which provides automatically:

  • All the operations for news and products, without requiring controllers and services
  • Allows pagination, with query parameters
  • Allows sorting, with query parameters
  • It is still possible to do some kind of customization, with additional methods in the repository As a result, the code provides products search and pagination, plus sorting.

The orders support was too complex for Spring Data REST, so I had to write a controller and a service for it.

For simplicity, I opted for basic authentication, and I used Spring Security. In the order, I used Bean Validation to force a minimum quantity of 1.

To reduce the code even more, I used ddl-auto, so there is no need to create the tables.

In order tor educe the boilerplate, I used Lombok.

How to test the code

Please start MySQL, using docker-compose up or sudo docker-compose up. If MySQL runs on another computer or in a Virtual Machine, you need to change the application.yml file.

THen you can start the application, with the class eu.lucaventuri.api.Application.

The application run son port 8088, and the easiest way to test it is to use IntelliJ HTTP Client, running the queries present in src/main/http

As not everybody uses IntelliJ, and the HTTP Client might require IntelliJ Ultimate, I converted the HTTP calls to curl class, for your convenience; they are under src/main/curl.

A third way is using the Swagger UI, as I added Spring Fox 3.0; the UI is available here:


GET requests can also be called from a web browser.

I created two users:

  • user1, with password user1, with CUSTOMER role
  • admin1, with password admin1, with ADMIN role

Spring Data REST implements HATEOAS, so the result is a bit verbose, but it is simple to use and to navigate. The reference of Spring Data REST is here:

Section 5 explains pagination (using the size parameter) and sorting (using the sort parameter)


Example of a Spring Boot Data REST application with JPA


Language:Java 100.0%