lucasyanm / videochat2gether

A simple website where you can chat with everyone who enters on it and watch videos together.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


It's a simple room creator where you can chat and watch videos among your friend who join you.

There's a demo online:

How to install


  1. Download the files.
  2. On the root folder, open a terminal.
$ sudo docker-compose build
$ sudo docker-compose up
$ sudo docker-compose run web rake db:create
$ sudo docker-compose run web db:migrate
  1. Access the home page from http://localhost:3000/
  2. If doesnt work, maybe you'll need shut down the container and run "docker-compose up" again

How to use

  1. It's pretty intuitive. Just follow the forms and buttons.
  2. Everyone who has the link can enter on the room.
  3. All chats has a modders room. There someone must approve or refuse the messagens. To access the respective pages, just add /mod after the room's link.


  1. The nicknames are temporarily.
  2. There's no authentication to enters on the moderater's room.


A simple website where you can chat with everyone who enters on it and watch videos together.


Language:Ruby 58.1%Language:HTML 32.5%Language:SCSS 4.3%Language:JavaScript 2.5%Language:CoffeeScript 1.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.9%Language:Shell 0.4%