lucasvegalv / ExcelProject_OrderSales

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Data Analysis and Visualization with Excel: Following the 'Data With Mo' Tutorial

In this first project of the repository, I followed a project from the YouTube channel "Data With Mo". I explored and applied various key features of Excel to handle data effectively and build visualizations.

Explored Features:

  • XLOOKUP: I utilized the powerful XLOOKUP function to perform flexible and precise searches in other tables, enabling the creation of a comprehensive table with all the necessary data.

  • INDEX MATCH: I implemented the dynamic combination of INDEX and MATCH functions to search and retrieve data efficiently.

  • Multiple IF Functions: I used nested IF functions to replace some columns with unclear names with more descriptive ones.

  • Date and Number Formatting: I learned to format dates and numbers to enhance the presentation and understanding of information.

  • Check for Duplicates: Continuing with data cleaning, I performed a duplicate check and removed any duplicates found.

  • Convert Range to Table: I took advantage of the functionality to convert data ranges into tables, facilitating management and analysis.

  • Pivot Tables and Charts + Formatting: Once the main table was ready, I began building pivot tables, formatting them, and sorting them to later create visualizations based on them.

  • Insert Timeline and Slicing + Formatting: I discovered how to use this functionality, which I find very useful as it provides a lot of flexibility and interaction to the dashboard user, allowing, in this case, the selection of dates and other fields to visualize data.

  • Building the Dashboard: Following the tutorial steps, I constructed a comprehensive dashboard that summarizes and presents key insights derived from data analysis.

This project was not only an opportunity to learn new skills in Excel but also to apply them practically by building a functional dashboard.
