lucasmoreiradev / conduit-api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Node.js - Ports & Adapters boilerplate

Node.js, TypeScript, fp-ts

Required global dependencies

  • Node.js v16
  • Yarn v1

Up & Running

  1. Install local dependencies:
  1. Tests (watch mode):
yarn test:watch


Script Description
yarn start Run production server
yarn dev Run dev server
yarn test Run unit and integration tests once (great to be used in CI)
yarn test:watch Run unit tests in watch mode
yarn test:integration Run integration tests once
yarn test:integration:watch Run integration tests in watch mode
yarn lint Run linter
yarn lint:fix Fix lint errors
yarn type-check TS typechecking
yarn prepare Not suposed to be manually used. It's just to configure husky
yarn build Generates production build
yarn ci Run lint, typechecking and tests (meant to be used in a CI)

Tree structure

This project uses Hexagonal Architecture (Ports & Adapters) with Functional Programming.

├── src
│   ├── adapters
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── tests
│   │   │   └── fixtures
│   │   └── module-alias.ts
│   ├── core
│   │   ├── types
│   │   └── use-cases
│   ├── ports
│   │   └── adapters
│   ├── index.ts
│   └── app.ts
├── environment.d.ts
├── jest.config.integration.js
└── jest.config.js
Directory / File Description
src All source code write in TypeScript must be in this directory
src/index.ts Main entry point for initial configuration of the project. Do not edit this file. Start with src/app.ts.
src/app.ts Project entry point. You can call your first port here and boot your providers that should start before your server.
src/adapters Domain adapters. Any port that need to talk with some core function should pass by an adapter.
src/config All configurations can live here.
src/config/tests/fixtures Helpers for using in tests.
src/config/module-alias.ts Module configurations for using @/ instead of ../../ on dev, tests and production environments.
src/core Pure domain implementations. core directory must not know any port or adapter, nor anything ouside core directory.
src/core/types Start point for modelling your app with TypeScript types.
src/core/use-cases Here you can put your functions with business rules.
src/ports Anything with external world contact. When you need to access something on core, you must use an adapter.
src/ports/adapters Adapters for ports. E.g.: you might create a Database Adapter, to easily swap between databases.
environment.d.ts List of Environment Variables for TypeScript autocomplete
jest.config.integration.js Jest configuration file for integration tests
jest.config.js Main Jest configuration file

Important usage information

Environment Variables

You can use env vars by creating a .env file on the root of the project. To document all used env vars, and get autocomplete when use process.env.YOU_VAR, just put all your env vars on file environment.d.ts.

Global import

All files and dirs inside src directory can be imported using @/. Prefer using this way over local import (../../).




License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 65.9%Language:JavaScript 32.1%Language:Shell 2.0%