lucasfontesgaspareto / lucasfontesgaspareto

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Hi! I'm Lucas Fontes Gaspareto aka. devgaspa.

I'm a Full Stack Web Developer, currently working with ReactJS, NodeJS, Vite, TailwindCSS, Firebase, NestJS, MUI, Oracle PL/SQL.

I started to learn programming more than 10 years ago, code is my hobby and i'm always learning

During this time i worked in a lot of different projects and in different positions at the team

If you have any question, just ask!

Profile views

Lucas-Linux Lucas-Windows Lucas-DigitalOcean Lucas-AWS Lucas-Oracle Lucas-Postgress Lucas-HTML Lucas-CSS Lucas-JS Lucas-TS Lucas-NodeJS Lucas-Express Lucas-Firebase Lucas-Webpack Lucas-VSCode Lucas-VueJS Lucas-React Lucas-TailwindCSS Lucas-Photoshop

Snake animation

Lucas GitHub activity graph
