lucasbento / fontawesome-markers

An export of the fontawesome glyphs into named SVG Paths.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An export of the fontawesome glyphs into named SVG Paths in javascript.

All glyphs have the same names as font-awesome, except they are capitalised, and underscored, eg "exclamation-circle" becomes "EXCLAMATION_CIRCLE"

You can use these paths, in products like Google Maps, for example:

new google.maps.Marker({
    map: map,
    icon: {
        path: fontawesome.markers.EXCLAMATION_CIRCLE,
        scale: 0.5,
        strokeWeight: 0.2,
        strokeColor: 'black',
        strokeOpacity: 1,
        fillColor: '#f8ae5f',
        fillOpacity: 0.7,
    clickable: false,
    position: new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng)

You can also draw them to canvas, using the new Path2D api, you may need to use a polyfill for unsupported browsers

var canvas = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0];
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var path = new Path2D(fontawesome.markers.EXCLAMATION_CIRCLE);
ctx.translate(0, 64);


  • 7th August 2014 - Updated to fontawesome 4.1.0, see the Fontawesome Upgrade Guide for the list of changed names.
  • 26th September 2013 - Changed font extraction process - Glyph size is a much more manageable 64px now, and rotation / flip corrected.


An export of the fontawesome glyphs into named SVG Paths.
