lucalas / lucalas

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Welcome, I'm Luca

Luca Taddeo - Fullstack developer and content creator

I'm Luca Taddeo, Software developer enthusiast passionate about backend technologies and trying to improve my skill about frontend. Self-critical, always looking for self-improvement.

I'd like to increase my collaborations to grow up together and share our experiences.

Travel lover, MountainBike addicted, Videomaker in my spare time.

You can find me on LinkedIn and you can watch me coding stuff on Twitch like some repositories that you can find here.

Carpe Diem

Some Stats

Lucalas's GitHub Stats

Used Languages


Used Technologies

ArduinoOpenCVNode.jsIonicAngular2ReactEntity FrameworkApache Cordova

AndroidApache NetBeans IDEApache Maven SvnGitGitHubJiraJenkinsSonarQube

PostgreSQLMicrosoft SQL Server


Out of the Developers world

🚵‍♂️ I'm trying to ride my mountain bike and be a good biker

🌍 I want to travel all over the world

🎥 I like to make Videomaker stuff and maybe in the future I could open a youtube channel

You can Find me Here

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