lucacasonato / proposal-module-instance-imports

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Module Instance Imports


Champion(s): Luca Casonato

Stage: 0


Multiple JavaScript modules together form a module graph. This module graph is a graph of how all modules are related to each other. At runtime, this graph is built to determine which modules are required to be loaded, and in what order.

Outside of runtime, other tools, such as bundlers, dependency managers, and other static analysis tools such as type checkers, also need to build this graph. Because these tools do not execute the code, they need to build the graph entirely based of static analysis of the code.

In many cases, static analysis of ESM works well, because the majority of relations between modules are expressed through "static imports", which use statically analyzable string literals to refer to other modules. However, other ways that modules can be related to each other are not well statically analyzable.

Dynamic imports are one example of this. Dynamic imports are in principle not analyzable without execution, because the module specifier passed into them may be computed at runtime. However, in practice, many tools can statically analyze many dynamic imports, because the module specifier is often a string literal expression placed directly into the import() call. Sometimes however, the module specifier is static (a non computed string literal), but assigned to a binding before being passed into import(). In this case some tools can analyze the dynamic import, but others can not.

// Impossible static analysis - runtime computed module specifier
const moduleSpecifier = `./my_module_${Math.random()}.js`;

// Trivial static analysis

// Difficult static analysis - only some tools support this
const moduleSpecifier = "./my_module.js";

These cases are all still approachable for static analysis, because import() is not a function call, but a syntactic construct. This means that you can not do const import = myImportFunction; or const myImport = import; to alias the import() function.

new Worker() is a case where the relation between two modules is so dynamic that static analysis becomes very difficult and often un-reliable. new Worker is an instance creation where the module specifier is passed in as an argument:

  • The module specifier can be passed in both as a string literal, or via a binding like shown above for dynamic imports.
  • Worker is a global variable, so a different binding can be set to the value of Worker. For example, const Worker2 = Worker;.
  • Worker is a constructor, so it can be subclassed, and the subclass can be used to create a worker. For example, class MyWorker extends Worker {}.

Additionally, because because Worker does not use dynamic scoping, you can not directly pass a relative module specifier into a worker. Instead, to load a module relative to the current module, you need to use import.meta.url / import.meta.resolve to resolve the module specifier to an absolute URL before passing it into the worker.

This results in a situation where it is very difficult to statically analyze which modules are related to each other via new Worker(). This is a problem for bundlers especially, because they need to know which modules are being imported, so they can bundle them into the output, or emit new entrypoints for entrypoint modules (as is the case with workers).

// Common case, but requires very non-trivial static analysis
const url = new URL("./my_worker.js", import.meta.url);
const worker = new Worker(url, { type: "module" });

const url = import.meta.resolve("./my_worker.js");
const worker = new Worker(url, { type: "module" });

// This can quickly turn into near impossible static analysis for most tools
function createWorker(specifier) {
  return new Worker(url, { type: "module" });

const url = new URL("./my_worker.js", import.meta.url);
const processor = createWorker(url);

The language is lacking a primitive to deal with this.

Use cases

The lack of more static analysis friendly primitives for determining relation between modules is a problem for various forms of bundlers, dependency managers, and other static analysis tools. Here are some "in-the-wild" examples of this problem:

Worker bundling in esbuild

esbuild does not have smart enough analysis to pick up on new Worker(new URL("./my_worker.js", import.meta.url), ...) style worker usage, so it is not able to automatically bundle workers. Instead, it requires you to manually specify the worker as a separate entrypoint in your project, and then manually configure your new Worker call to load this entrypoint.

This has various drawbacks:

  • Code can not run un-bundled (for example in development), because the code is dependant on the bundler emitting a separate entrypoint for the worker at a specific location. This means that bundling can not just be a transparent performance optimization, but rather requires tool specific codebase changes.
  • Significant manual configuration is required on the users part, making the barrier to entry higher for using workers. Generally, we should encourage use of workers to offload work from the main thread that is used for rendering.

Dynamic import / worker support in deno compile

deno compile is a feature of Deno that allows running a JavaScript program as a standalone executable binary. This works by performing static analysis on the module graph during compilation, serializing all modules as is into a special container format eszip, and then embedding this in a binary.

Upon execution, this binary is then able to load the modules individually from the container format, and execute them. No code transformation is performed on the source code - all code is executed as is was found on disk prior to compilation.

Because at runtime only code embedded in the binary can be loaded, all imported code must be statically analyzable. If you want to use dynamic imports to defer a slow executing module until it is needed, or want to use web workers to offload work from the main thread, you can not do so, because the module was never loaded into the binary because it was not found during static analysis.

deno compile provides a --include flag to enable manually specifying additional modules to be treated as entrypoints, but this is a manual process that requires you to specify workers and dynamic imports both in code, and in a build script. Errors from mis-configuration can not be caught at compile time (because lack of static analysis, duh!), so necessarily result in runtime exceptions, which is subpar.

Dependency graph visualization in Deno

Deno provides a deno info command that allows you to visualize the dependency graph of a module, starting at it's entrypoint. This is useful for understanding the structure of a codebase, and for debugging dependency cycles.

However, because deno info only performs static analysis, it can not visualize the dependency graph of modules that are referenced in ways that are not trivially statically analyzable. This includes dynamic imports, and workers.

Dynamic I/O permissions required to start workers in Deno

Deno provides a relatively sophisticated permissions system, that allows you to lock down which I/O operations can be performed at runtime. It can be configured through flags passed to the deno executable, or dynamically using user prompts.

When a user performs an import of a local file on disk, this is considered I/O and requires the relevant file system permission to be set. There is however a special bypass to this permission check for the entrypoint module, all modules that are statically reachable from that entrypoint. This means that if you have a file ./main.ts that imports a file ./b.ts, you do not need to have read permissions for either ./main.ts or ./b.ts to execute this entrypoint. This is safe, because a user can visualize all files that are statically reachable from the entrypoint before execution (using deno info).

There is no static analysis for modules used to start workers, and as such there is no way to know up front that that given module is part of the module graph, which means it can not be exempted from the permissions check like static imports can. This means that starting a worker always requires a permission check for that file, and all files it imports.

This makes building granular allow-lists of files that are allowed to be read very difficult.

This also significantly increases the barrier of entry for using workers, because they don't just work "as is", like regular static imports. This is bad, because we want to encourage users to run heavy compute tasks off-main-thread.

Third-party modules using workers

All of the problems described above get exponentially worse when thinking about workers inside of third party libraries. When a worker is used inside of a third party library, and a bundler or other static analysis tool can not pick it up automatically, this requires the user to manually tweak their build tooling to explicitly specify workers internal to third party dependencies.

This is so cumbersome for end users that library authors often avoid using workers entirely, even when it would be beneficial to do so, because of the significant added complexity to end-users. This is bad, because we want to encourage library authors to use workers to offload heavy compute tasks from the main thread.

The Wasm build of esbuild itself is a good example of a workaround that is very frustrating for users. It embeds worker source code in a JS file as a string literal, and then passes this string to a Worker constructor using a blob URL (see line 1813 of This results in all stack traces from within this worker to be completely useless, because it points to the blob URL, and not a readable source file.

Capability based imports

Capability based imports is a new security primitive that arises from this proposal. Let's imagine a scenario with two separate JavaScript realms, one on the main thread, and one on a worker thread. The main thread worker has broad permissions, and is a trusted hypervisor. The worker thread is untrusted, and has limited permissions. It does not allow eval or other dynamic code execution, and does not allow access to the file system or network. The question that arises now is: "How can the worker thread execute any code, if it can't evaluate strings, and can't load any modules from disk or network?"

This is where module instances can be useful. The main thread (trusted) can load a module from disk or network, from audited/trusted sources, and then pass the module instance to the worker thread to be executed. The worker thread can then evaluate the module instance, without having to load any modules from disk or network, or evaluate any arbitrary strings. In essence, the worker thread can only execute code that was audited by the main thread. It get's access to this evaluation capability by being passed a module instance, so the module instance is a capability object.

Together with the loaders proposal this proposal can provide novel sandboxing techniques using workers.

Proposed solution

This proposal introduces a new import syntax, which allows importing modules at the "module context attach" phase of the module loading process, instead of at "evaluation" phase (which is the phase that static imports are imported at), or "source" phase.

Imports at this phase return a module instance. A module instance is an structure that combines a module source with resolution and evaluation context. A module instance is initially unlinked and unevaluated. A module instance can later be linked and evaluated. Current "evaluation" phase imports also make use of this module instance internally, with the difference that modules imported to "evaluation" phase are always linked and evaluated (as opposed to this proposal where they are not yet linked and evaluated).

In JavaScript, module instances are represented as objects. These objects can be passed to APIs that accept module specifiers, such as import() or new Worker(). import() directly links and evaluates the module instance passed to it, returning the module namespace. new Worker() would structurally clone the module instance, and then link and evaluate the cloned module instance in the worker.

import module heavyModule from "./heavy_module.js";

function heavyModule() {
  await import(heavyModule);
import module workerMod from "./my_worker.js";

const worker = new Worker(workerMod, { type: "module" });

There is also a dynamic import form of this syntax:

const workerMod = await import.module("./my_worker.js");

const worker = new Worker(workerMod, { type: "module" });

The object representing the module instance is an opaque object called the Module object. It is a constructor-less object that can only be obtained through the import module / import.module syntax. It only has one property:

  • module.source - The module source code as a %AbtractModuleSource% object.

The Module object is structured cloneable and serializable, meaning it can be passed to other contexts, such as Web Workers, and then linked and evaluated in that context. Identity does not round-trip through structured clone to support GC-ability of module instances. Linkage and evaluation of a module instance is not preserved when cloning. The resolver does not transfer with the module instance - the resolver of the context the module instance is cloned into is always used.


Import attributes

The import attributes proposal provides a way to pass attributes to the module loader. Just like with "source" phase imports, this proposal composes with the import attributes proposal, allowing attributes to be passed on module instance imports.

The attributes are used during source loading and resolution, like specified for "source" phase imports. The module instance has already gone through this process, so it is already "attributes-influenced". This means that when you pass a module instance to a dynamic import or new Worker, you can not pass additional with attributes.

Source phase imports

This proposal is designed to work in conjunction with "source" phase imports. Imports at the source phase are designed to be used for importing stateless module source objects, that can then be multiply instantiated into stateful module instances. While neither the source phase imports proposal, nor this proposal propose the multiple instantiation of module instances, this is a direction we are exploring in the loaders proposal. You can find more concrete examples in the loaders section below.

This proposal does allow for synchronous access to a source by using the source property on the module instance object.

It is also possible to pass a module instance to import.source instead of a module specifier.

Module expressions & declarations

The module instance object returned from module instance imports is the same module instance object created by module expressions. Both proposals provide means to get a module instance object, but they do so in different ways:

  • Module expressions and create a module instance object from source text in the current module.
  • Module instance imports create a module instance object from source text in a different module, referenced by a module specifier.

The ways this object is used is identical between the two proposals. In both cases, the module instance object is passed to APIs that accept module specifiers currently, such as import() or new Worker().

The module declaration proposal also provides a parallel binding namespace for statically determinable module instance objects to be used in import from static syntax. Module instances imported statically via module instance imports would also be present in this namespace, so could also be imported from statically using the import from syntax.


The loaders proposal provides a way to dynamically create module instances from module source objects, optionally providing a custom loader and import.meta. The module instances created by loaders are the same Module object created by module instance imports.

The loaders proposal extends the module instance object provided by this proposal with a constructor that takes a module source. This allows for dynamic creation of module instances.

This constructor unlocks multiple instantiation of a module instance, by calling the constructor multiple times with the same module source. This is useful to create isolated module instances, for example to use in testing.

The module instances created by loaders are not linked or evaluated immediately, just like module instance imports. They can be linked and evaluated later by passing them to import(), just like module instance imports.

Deferred imports

The deferred imports proposal provides a way to defer the synchronous evaluation of a module until it is needed, but not to defer the linking of the module. This is a phase between the "module context attach" phase and the "evaluation" phase.

This differs from this proposal, because this proposal does not perform eager linkage. This is important to support passing module instances to other contexts such as Web Workers without the linkage being performed in the current context.

This proposal does not interact with the deferred imports proposal, except through the addition of support for module instances in the await import.defer() syntax.


Nothing yet!


License:MIT License