lucabanetta / aiida-seigrowth

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build Status Coverage Status Docs status PyPI version


A plugin to an external code which models the growth of the Solid Electrolyte Interface (SEI) across a graphitic anode over a series of charge cycles by coupling a Pseudo 2-Dimensional (P2D) Doyle-Fuller-Newman Li-ion battery modemodel with a Population Balance Model (PBM).

The external code receives as inputs:

  • ['Trajectory.pkl']: pickle format file obtained from Li-ion battery charge simulations by using the P2D Doyle-Fuller-Newman Model implemented in the open source python library PyBaMM;
  • ['Initial SEI Distribution.txt']: an initial SEI thickness distribution for all the considered anodic coordinates;
  • ['Parameters.txt']: the overall number of cycles and the kinetic parameters related to the SEI growth,

and provides with two categories of results:

  • ['Distributions']: a series of filedistr_j_k.dat text files, which represent the SEI thickness distribution at the j-th location at time k
  • ['Outputs']: a series of files result_pb_k text files, which represent the average SEI thickness at every anodic location at time k.

Repository contents

  • ExternalCode/: The main source code which solves the Population Balance Model
    • external code to be plugged into Aiida via aiida-seigrowth
    • code.yml: to be used to configure the code into the computer Aiida is working at.
  • aiida_seigrowth/: The main source code of the plugin package
  • docs/: Initial documentation including a user guide
  • examples/: An example of how to submit a calculation using this plugin
  • LICENSE: License for your plugin
  • This file
  • pyproject.toml: Minimum requirements for the build system to execute
  • Configuration to install the package aiida-seigrowth


  • Before proceeding with the installation make sure that you have the right version of Pybamm installed correctly using the developer version following the istructions at the following link:

  • Download the External Code folder and modify the script code.yml by inserting the absolute path to the script

label: "seigrowthPBM"
description:  "python script which models SEI growth by population balance modeling."
input_plugin: "seigrowth.pbe"
on_computer: true
remote_abs_path: "/absolute/path/to/"
computer: "<yourcomputer>"
prepend_text: " "
append_text: " "
  • Include the code:
verdi code setup --config code.yml
  • Proceed to install via pip:
pip install aiida-seigrowth==0.1.0
reentry scan
verdi plugin list aiida.calculations  

The user should now see seigrowth.pbe under aiida.calculations


To submit a calculation:

  • Activate the PyBaMM environment
$ source /absolute/path/to/PyBaMM/.tox/dev/bin/activate
  • Prepare a P2D simulation via PyBaMM
cd examples/Pybamm_Simulations
  • Download the examples folder, with a subfolder named InputData with the aforementioned input data and a script named

  • Proceed to run for the first demo:

cd examples
verdi run

  • Check the retrieved folder data and save them to a new directory
    verdi process list -a  # check record of calculation
    verdi node repo dump [RemoteDataFolderNode] /abs/path/to/new/Folder





This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 957189. The project is part of BATTERY 2030+, the large-scale European research initiative for inventing the sustainable batteries of the future.


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%