luben2018 / pytorch-layoutnet

Pytorch implementation of LayoutNet.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is an unofficial implementation of CVPR 18 paper "LayoutNet: Reconstructing the 3D Room Layout from a Single RGB Image". Official layout dataset are all converted to .png and pretrained models are converted to pytorch state-dict.
What difference from official:

  • Architecture: Only joint bounday branch and corner branch are implemented as the paper states that "Training with 3D regressor has a small impact".
  • Pre-processing: Implementation of line segment detector and pano image alignment are converted from matlab to python in and
  • Post-processing: No 3D layout optimization. Alternatively, this repo implement a gradient ascent optimizing the similar loss. (see below for more detail)

Overview of the pipeline:

Use this repo, you can:

  • extract/visualize layout of your own 360 images with my trained network
  • reproduce official experiments
  • train on your own dataset
  • quantitative evaluatation (3D IoU, Corner Error, Pixel Error)


  • Python 3
  • pytorch>=0.4.1
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • Pillow
  • torchfile
  • opencv-python>=3.1 (for pre-processing)
  • open3d (for layout 3D viewer)
  • shapely (for layout 3D viewer)


1. Preparation

  • Get your fasinated 360 room images. I will use assert/demo.png for example.
  • Prepare the enviroment to run the python scripts.
  • Download the trained model from here (350M). Put the 3 files extracted from the downloaded zip under ckpt/ folder.
    • So you will get ckpt/epoch_30_*.pth

2. Pre-processing (Align camera pose with floor)

  • Pre-process the above assert/demo.png by firing below command. See python -h for more detailed script description.
    python --img_glob assert/demo.png --output_dir assert/output_preprocess/
  • Arguments explanation:
    • --img_glob telling the path to your fasinated 360 room image(s).
    • --output_dir telling the path to the directory for dumping the results.
    • Hint: you can use shell-style wildcards with quote (e.g. "my_fasinated_img_dir/*png") to process multiple images in one shot.
  • Under the given --output_dir, you will get results like below and prefix with source image basename.
    • The aligned rgb images [SOURCE BASENAME]_aligned_rgb.png and line segments images [SOURCE BASENAME]_aligned_line.png
      • demo_aligned_rgb.png demo_aligned_line.png
    • The detected vanishing points [SOURCE BASENAME]_VP.txt (Here demo_VP.txt)
      -0.006676 -0.499807 0.866111
      0.000622 0.866128 0.499821
      0.999992 -0.002519 0.003119

3. Layout Prediction with LayoutNet

  • Predict the layout from above aligned image and line segments by firing below command.
    python --path_prefix ckpt/epoch_30 --img_glob assert/output_preprocess/demo_aligned_rgb.png --line_glob assert/output_preprocess/demo_aligned_line.png --output_dir assert/output
  • Arguments explanation:
    • --path_prefix prefix path to the trained model.
    • --img_glob path to the VP aligned image.
    • --line_glob path to the corresponding line segment image of the VP aligned image.
    • --output_dir path to the directory to dump the results.
    • Hint: for the two glob, you can use wildcards with quote
    • Hint: for better result, you can add --flip, --rotate 0.25 0.5 0.75, --post_optimization
  • you will get results like below and prefix with source image basename.
    • The model's output corner/edge probability map [SOURCE BASENAME]_[cor|edg].png
      • demo_aligned_rgb_cor.png demo_aligned_rgb_edg.png
    • The extracted layout and all in one image [SOURCE BASENAME]_[bon|all].png
      • demo_aligned_rgb_bon.png demo_aligned_rgb_all.png
    • The extracted corners of the layout [SOURCE BASENAME]_cor_id.txt
      104.928192 186.603119
      104.928192 337.168579
      378.994934 177.796646
      378.994934 346.994629
      649.976440 183.446518
      649.976440 340.711731
      898.234619 190.629089
      898.234619 332.616364

4. Layout 3D Viewer

  • A pure python script to visualize the predicted layout in 3D using points cloud. Below command will visualize the result store in assert/
    python --ignore_ceiling --img assert/output_preprocess/demo_aligned_rgb.png --layout  assert/output/demo_aligned_rgb_cor_id.txt
  • Arguements explanationL
    • --img path to aligned 360 image
    • --layout path to the txt stroing the cor_id (predicted or ground truth)
    • --ignore_ceiling prevent rendering ceiling
    • for more arguments, see python -h
    • In the window, you can use mouse and scroll to change the viewport

Preparation for Training

  | /origin
  |   /data  (download and extract from official)
  |   /gt    (download and extract from official)
    /panofull_*_pretrained.t7  (download and extract from official)
  • Execute python to convert data/origin/**/* to data/train, data/valid and data/test for pytorch data loader. Under these folder, img/ contains all raw rgb .png while line/, edge/, cor/ contain preprocessed Manhattan line segment, ground truth boundary and ground truth corner respectively.
  • [optional] Use to convert official pretrained pano model to encoder, edg_decoder, cor_decoder pytorch state_dict (see python -h for more detailed). examples:
    • to convert layout pretrained only
      python --torch_pretrained ckpt/panofull_joint_box_pretrained.t7 --encoder ckpt/pre_full_encoder.pth --edg_decoder ckpt/pre_full_edg_decoder.pth --cor_decoder ckpt/pre_full_cor_decoder.pth
    • to convert full pretrained (layout regressor branch will be ignored)
      python --torch_pretrained ckpt/panofull_joint_box_pretrained.t7 --encoder ckpt/pre_full_encoder.pth --edg_decoder ckpt/pre_full_edg_decoder.pth --cor_decoder ckpt/pre_full_cor_decoder.pth


See python -h for detailed arguments explanation.
The default training strategy is the same as official. To launch experiments as official "corner+boundary" setting (--id is used to identified the experiment and can be named youself):

python --id exp_default

To train only using RGB channels as input (no Manhattan line segment):

python --id exp_rgb --input_cat img --input_channels 3

Gradient Ascent Post Optimization

Instead of offical 3D layout optimization with sampling strategy, this repo implement a gradient ascent optimization algorithm to minimize the similar loss of official.
The process abstract below:

  1. greedily extract the cuboid parameter from corner/edge probability map
    • The cuboid are consist of the 6 parameters (cx, cy, dx, dy, theta, h)
    • corner probability map edge probability map
  2. sample points alone the cuboid boundary and project them to equirectangular formatted corner/edge probability map
    • The sample projected points are visualized as green dot
  3. for each projected sample point, getting value by bilinear interpolation from nearest 4 neighbor pixel on the corner/edge probability map
  4. all the sampled values are reduced to a single scalar called score
  5. compute the gradient for the 6 cuboid parameter to maximize the score
  6. Iterative apply gradient ascent (step 2 through 6)

It take less than 2 seconds on CPU and found slightly better result than offical reported.

Quantitative Evaluation

See python -h for more detailed arguments explanation. To get the result from my trained network (link above):

python --path_prefix ckpt/epoch_30 --flip --rotate 0.333 0.666

To evaluate with gradient ascent post optimization:

python --path_prefix ckpt/epoch_30 --flip --rotate 0.333 0.666 --post_optimization

Dataset - PanoContext

exp 3D IoU(%) Corner error(%) Pixel error(%)
Official best 75.12 1.02 3.18
ours rgb only 71.42 1.30 3.83
ours rgb only
w/ gd opt
72.52 1.50 3.66
ours 75.11 1.04 3.16
w/ gd opt
76.90 0.93 2.81

Dataset - Stanford 2D-3D

exp 3D IoU(%) Corner error(%) Pixel error(%)
Official best 77.51 0.92 2.42
ours rgb only 70.39 1.50 4.28
ours rgb only
w/ gd opt
71.90 1.35 4.25
ours 75.49 0.96 3.07
w/ gd opt
78.90 0.88 2.78



Pytorch implementation of LayoutNet.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%