luatnd / blackjack-fe

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Caesar with password


Simple deterministic encryption by combining caesar cipher with password


Note: This project use new app directory structure of NextJs 13 instead of pages as in the older versions. In this new app dir structure, each path to page.tsx is a valid route.


To run on dev mode:

yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


Run unit test

yarn test

Run prod mode

To run on prod mode:

yarn build
yarn start


title: CI/CD for this app
graph TD
    NewFeature("fa:fa-code-merge feature/a: Checkout from main")
    --> Pull(fa:fa-code-merge Create Pull request)
    --> Linter(fa:fa-bug Linter)
    --> UnitTest(fa:fa-bug Unit test)
    --> TestCoverage(fa:fa-bug Check code coverage)
    --> CodeReview(fa:fa-code Human code review and validation)
    --> Merge(fa:fa-code-merge User merge pull request to main)
    --> Build("fa:fa-gears Build static web")
    --> Deplop(fa:fa-rocket Deploy to github page)

Component structure

This project use default NextJs structure.

And some custom structure:

|— components
   |— MyCom
      |- index.tsx    // (or comp name) is the presentation view layer
      |- model.ts     // DTO layer: DTO or types, we often import this from GraphQL codegen
      |- service.ts   // biz layer: biz logic and hooks
      |- dao.ts       // DAO layer (data fetching layer): fetch data from REST, socket, localstorage, ...
      |- store.ts     // for sharing state with other components
      |- components   // sub components: for internal use only
      |- other-utils.ts // sth else
      |— MyOtherComponent.tsx      // Another simple component
|— services           // app-wide services
|— utils              // app-wide utils


  • Next.js 13
  • TypeScript
  • Material UI
  • Tailwind
  • ESLint
  • Prettier



Language:TypeScript 81.8%Language:JavaScript 17.0%Language:CSS 1.3%