luandersonn / FluentCast-translations

FluentCast Translation center

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FluentCast Translation Center

This repository contains the translations for the FluentCast.

How to translate

  1. Download the language file you want to translate here.
  2. Edit the file using a XLIFF editor. I recommend Poedit.
  3. Upload the file to the repository
  4. Open a pull request

FluentCast translation Progress

Code Language Progress
en-US English base language
de-DE German
es-ES Spanish
fa-IR Farsi (Iran)
fr-FR French
it-IT Italian
ja-JP Japanese
mt-MT Maltese
pt-BR Portuguese
ru-RU Russian
zh-CN Simplified Chinese
zh-TW Traditional Chinese


FluentCast Translation center