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Teradata SQL Driver for Python

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Teradata SQL Driver for Python

This package enables Python applications to connect to the Teradata Database.

This package implements the PEP-249 Python Database API Specification 2.0.

This package requires 64-bit Python 3.4 or later, and runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. 32-bit Python is not supported.

For community support, please visit the Connectivity Forum.

For Teradata customer support, please visit Teradata Access.

Copyright 2019 Teradata. All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents

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The Teradata SQL Driver for Python is a DBAPI Driver that enables Python applications to connect to the Teradata Database. The Teradata SQL Driver for Python implements the PEP-249 Python Database API Specification 2.0.

The Teradata SQL Driver for Python is a young product that offers a basic feature set. We are working diligently to add features to the Teradata SQL Driver for Python, and our goal is feature parity with the Teradata JDBC Driver.

At the present time, the Teradata SQL Driver for Python offers the following features.

  • Supported for use with Teradata Database 14.10 and later releases. Informally tested to work with Teradata Database 12.0 and later releases.
  • Encrypted logon using the TD2, JWT, LDAP, KRB5 (Kerberos), or TDNEGO logon mechanisms.
  • Data encryption enabled via the encryptdata connection parameter.
  • Unicode character data transferred via the UTF8 session character set.
  • 1 MB rows supported with Teradata Database 16.0 and later.
  • Multi-statement requests that return multiple result sets.
  • Most JDBC escape syntax.
  • Parameterized SQL requests with question-mark parameter markers.
  • Parameterized batch SQL requests with multiple rows of data bound to question-mark parameter markers.
  • ElicitFile protocol support for DDL commands that create external UDFs or stored procedures and upload a file from client to database.
  • Stored Procedure Dynamic Result Sets.


  • The UTF8 session character set is always used. The charset connection parameter is not supported.
  • The following complex data types are not supported yet: XML, JSON, DATASET STORAGE FORMAT AVRO, and DATASET STORAGE FORMAT CSV.
  • COP Discovery is not supported yet. You must specify the hostname or IP address of a specific Teradata Database node to connect to.
  • No support yet for data encryption that is governed by central administration. To enable data encryption, you must specify a true value for the encryptdata connection parameter.
  • Laddered Concurrent Connect is not supported yet.
  • No support yet for Recoverable Network Protocol and Redrive.
  • Auto-commit for ANSI transaction mode is not offered yet. You must explicitly execute a commit command when using ANSI transaction mode.
  • FastLoad is not available yet.
  • FastExport is not available yet.
  • Monitor partition support is not available yet.


Use pip to install the Teradata SQL Driver for Python.

Platform Command
macOS or Linux pip install teradatasql
Windows py -3 -m pip install teradatasql

When upgrading to a new version of the Teradata SQL Driver for Python, you may need to use pip install's --no-cache-dir option to force the download of the new version.

Platform Command
macOS or Linux pip install --no-cache-dir -U teradatasql
Windows py -3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir -U teradatasql


Use of the Teradata SQL Driver for Python is governed by the License Agreement for the Teradata SQL Driver for Python.

When the Teradata SQL Driver for Python is installed, the LICENSE and THIRDPARTYLICENSE files are placed in the teradatasql directory under your Python installation directory.


When the Teradata SQL Driver for Python is installed, the file is placed in the teradatasql directory under your Python installation directory. This permits you to view the documentation offline, when you are not connected to the Internet.

The file is a plain text file containing the documentation for the Teradata SQL Driver for Python. While the file can be viewed with any text file viewer or editor, your viewing experience will be best with an editor that understands Markdown format.

Sample Programs

Sample programs are provided to demonstrate how to use the Teradata SQL Driver for Python. When the Teradata SQL Driver for Python is installed, the sample programs are placed in the teradatasql/samples directory under your Python installation directory.

The sample programs are coded with a fake Teradata Database hostname whomooz, username guest, and password please. Substitute your actual Teradata Database hostname and credentials before running a sample program.

Program Purpose Demonstrates how to insert a batch of rows Demonstrates the Teradata Database's Character Export Width behavior Displays the Teradata SQL Driver version and Teradata Database version Demonstrates C source file upload to create a User-Defined Function (UDF) Displays session information Demonstrates how to load data from a CSV file into a table Demonstrates how to prepare a SQL request and obtain SQL statement metadata Demonstrates how to create and call a SQL stored procedure Creates encrypted password files

Using the Teradata SQL Driver for Python

Your Python script must import the teradatasql package in order to use the Teradata SQL Driver for Python.

import teradatasql

After importing the teradatasql package, your Python script calls the teradatasql.connect function to open a connection to the Teradata Database.

You may specify connection parameters as a JSON string, as kwargs, or using a combination of the two approaches. The teradatasql.connect function's first argument is a JSON string. The teradatasql.connect function's second and subsequent arguments are optional kwargs.

Connection parameters specified only as kwargs:

con = teradatasql.connect(None, host='whomooz', user='guest', password='please')

Connection parameters specified only as a JSON string:

con = teradatasql.connect('{"host":"whomooz","user":"guest","password":"please"}')

Connection parameters specified using a combination:

con = teradatasql.connect('{"host":"whomooz"}', user='guest', password='please')

Connection Parameters

The following table lists the connection parameters currently offered by the Teradata SQL Driver for Python.

Our goal is consistency for the connection parameters offered by the Teradata SQL Driver for Python and the Teradata JDBC Driver, with respect to connection parameter names and functionality. For comparison, Teradata JDBC Driver connection parameters are documented here.

Parameter Default Type Description
account string Specifies the Teradata Database account. Equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver ACCOUNT connection parameter.
column_name "false" quoted boolean Controls the behavior of cursor .description sequence name items. Equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver COLUMN_NAME connection parameter. False specifies that a cursor .description sequence name item provides the AS-clause name if available, or the column name if available, or the column title. True specifies that a cursor .description sequence name item provides the column name if available, but has no effect when StatementInfo parcel support is unavailable.
dbs_port "1025" quoted integer Specifies the Teradata Database port number. Equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver DBS_PORT connection parameter.
encryptdata "false" quoted boolean Controls encryption of data exchanged between the Teradata Database and the Teradata SQL Driver for Python. Equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver ENCRYPTDATA connection parameter.
fake_result_sets "false" quoted boolean Controls whether a fake result set containing statement metadata precedes each real result set.
host string Specifies the Teradata Database hostname. Note that COP Discovery is not implemented yet.
lob_support "true" quoted boolean Controls LOB support. Equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver LOB_SUPPORT connection parameter.
log "0" quoted integer Controls debug logging. Somewhat equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver LOG connection parameter. This parameter's behavior is subject to change in the future. This parameter's value is currently defined as an integer in which the 1-bit governs function and method tracing, the 2-bit governs debug logging, and the 4-bit governs transmit and receive message hex dumps.
logdata string Specifies extra data for the chosen logon authentication method. Equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver LOGDATA connection parameter.
logmech "TD2" string Specifies the logon authentication method. Equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver LOGMECH connection parameter. Possible values are TD2 (the default), JWT, LDAP, KRB5 for Kerberos, or TDNEGO.
max_message_body "2097000" quoted integer Not fully implemented yet and intended for future usage. Equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver MAX_MESSAGE_BODY connection parameter.
partition "DBC/SQL" string Specifies the Teradata Database Partition. Equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver PARTITION connection parameter.
password string Specifies the Teradata Database password. Equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver PASSWORD connection parameter.
sip_support "true" quoted boolean Controls whether StatementInfo parcel is used. Equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver SIP_SUPPORT connection parameter.
teradata_values "true" quoted boolean Controls whether str or a more specific Python data type is used for certain Result set column value types. Refer to the table below for details.
tmode "DEFAULT" string Specifies the transaction mode. Equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver TMODE connection parameter. Possible values are DEFAULT (the default), ANSI, or TERA.
user string Specifies the Teradata Database username. Equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver USER connection parameter.

Stored Password Protection


Stored Password Protection enables an application to provide a connection password in encrypted form to the Teradata SQL Driver for Python.

An encrypted password may be specified in the following contexts:

  • A login password specified as the password connection parameter.
  • A login password specified within the logdata connection parameter.

If the password, however specified, begins with the prefix ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD( then the specified password must follow this format:


Each filename must be preceded by the file: prefix. The PasswordEncryptionKeyFileName must be separated from the EncryptedPasswordFileName by a single comma.

The PasswordEncryptionKeyFileName specifies the name of a file that contains the password encryption key and associated information. The EncryptedPasswordFileName specifies the name of a file that contains the encrypted password and associated information. The two files are described below.

Stored Password Protection is offered by the Teradata JDBC Driver, the Teradata SQL Driver for Python, and the Teradata SQL Driver for R. These drivers use the same file format.

Program TJEncryptPassword is a sample program to create encrypted password files for use with Stored Password Protection. When the Teradata SQL Driver for Python is installed, the sample programs are placed in the teradatasql/samples directory under your Python installation directory.

This program works in conjunction with Stored Password Protection offered by the Teradata JDBC Driver and the Teradata SQL Driver for Python. This program creates the files containing the password encryption key and encrypted password, which can be subsequently specified via the ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD( syntax.

You are not required to use this program to create the files containing the password encryption key and encrypted password. You can develop your own software to create the necessary files. You may also use the sample program that is available with the Teradata JDBC Driver Reference. The only requirement is that the files must match the format expected by the Teradata SQL Driver for Python, which is documented below.

This program encrypts the password and then immediately decrypts the password, in order to verify that the password can be successfully decrypted. This program mimics the password decryption of the Teradata SQL Driver for Python, and is intended to openly illustrate its operation and enable scrutiny by the community.

The encrypted password is only as safe as the two files. You are responsible for restricting access to the files containing the password encryption key and encrypted password. If an attacker obtains both files, the password can be decrypted. The operating system file permissions for the two files should be as limited and restrictive as possible, to ensure that only the intended operating system userid has access to the files.

The two files can be kept on separate physical volumes, to reduce the risk that both files might be lost at the same time. If either or both of the files are located on a network volume, then an encrypted wire protocol can be used to access the network volume, such as sshfs, encrypted NFSv4, or encrypted SMB 3.0.

This program accepts eight command-line arguments:

Argument Example Description
Transformation AES/CBC/NoPadding Specifies the transformation in the form Algorithm/Mode/Padding. Supported transformations are listed in a table below.
KeySizeInBits 256 Specifies the algorithm key size, which governs the encryption strength.
MAC HmacSHA256 Specifies the message authentication code (MAC) algorithm HmacSHA1 or HmacSHA256.
PasswordEncryptionKeyFileName Specifies a filename in the current directory, a relative pathname, or an absolute pathname. The file is created by this program. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten by the new file.
EncryptedPasswordFileName Specifies a filename in the current directory, a relative pathname, or an absolute pathname. The filename or pathname that must differ from the PasswordEncryptionKeyFileName. The file is created by this program. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten by the new file.
Hostname whomooz Specifies the Teradata Database hostname.
Username guest Specifies the Teradata Database username.
Password please Specifies the Teradata Database password to be encrypted. Unicode characters in the password can be specified with the \uXXXX escape sequence.

Example Commands

The TJEncryptPassword program uses the Teradata SQL Driver for Python to log on to the specified Teradata Database using the encrypted password, so the Teradata SQL Driver for Python must have been installed with the pip install teradatasql command.

The following commands assume that the program file is located in the current directory. When the Teradata SQL Driver for Python is installed, the sample programs are placed in the teradatasql/samples directory under your Python installation directory. Change your current directory to the teradatasql/samples directory under your Python installation directory.

The following example commands illustrate using a 256-bit AES key, and using the HmacSHA256 algorithm.

Platform Command
macOS or Linux python AES/CBC/NoPadding 256 HmacSHA256 whomooz guest please
Windows py -3 AES/CBC/NoPadding 256 HmacSHA256 whomooz guest please

Password Encryption Key File Format

You are not required to use the TJEncryptPassword program to create the files containing the password encryption key and encrypted password. You can develop your own software to create the necessary files, but the files must match the format expected by the Teradata SQL Driver for Python.

The password encryption key file is a text file in Java Properties file format, using the ISO 8859-1 character encoding.

The file must contain the following string properties:

Property Description
version=1 The version number must be 1. This property is required.
transformation=Algorithm/Mode/Padding Specifies the transformation in the form Algorithm/Mode/Padding. Supported transformations are listed in a table below. This property is required.
algorithm=Algorithm This value must correspond to the Algorithm portion of the transformation. This property is required.
match=MatchValue The password encryption key and encrypted password files must contain the same match value. The match values are compared to ensure that the two specified files are related to each other, serving as a "sanity check" to help avoid configuration errors. This property is required.
key=HexDigits This value is the password encryption key, encoded as hex digits. This property is required.
mac=MACAlgorithm Specifies the message authentication code (MAC) algorithm HmacSHA1 or HmacSHA256. Stored Password Protection performs Encrypt-then-MAC for protection from a padding oracle attack. This property is required.
mackey=HexDigits This value is the MAC key, encoded as hex digits. This property is required.

The TJEncryptPassword program uses a timestamp as a shared match value, but a timestamp is not required. Any shared string can serve as a match value. The timestamp is not related in any way to the encryption of the password, and the timestamp cannot be used to decrypt the password.

Encrypted Password File Format

The encrypted password file is a text file in Java Properties file format, using the ISO 8859-1 character encoding.

The file must contain the following string properties:

Property Description
version=1 The version number must be 1. This property is required.
match=MatchValue The password encryption key and encrypted password files must contain the same match value. The match values are compared to ensure that the two specified files are related to each other, serving as a "sanity check" to help avoid configuration errors. This property is required.
password=HexDigits This value is the encrypted password, encoded as hex digits. This property is required.
params=HexDigits This value contains the cipher algorithm parameters, if any, encoded as hex digits. Some ciphers need algorithm parameters that cannot be derived from the key, such as an initialization vector. This property is optional, depending on whether the cipher algorithm has associated parameters.
hash=HexDigits This value is the expected message authentication code (MAC), encoded as hex digits. After encryption, the expected MAC is calculated using the ciphertext, transformation name, and algorithm parameters if any. Before decryption, the Teradata SQL Driver for Python calculates the MAC using the ciphertext, transformation name, and algorithm parameters if any, and verifies that the calculated MAC matches the expected MAC. If the calculated MAC differs from the expected MAC, then either or both of the files may have been tampered with. This property is required.

While params is technically optional, an initialization vector is required by all three block cipher modes CBC, CFB, and OFB that are supported by the Teradata SQL Driver for Python. ECB (Electronic Codebook) does not require params, but ECB is not supported by the Teradata SQL Driver for Python.

Transformation, Key Size, and MAC

A transformation is a string that describes the set of operations to be performed on the given input, to produce transformed output. A transformation specifies the name of a cryptographic algorithm such as DES or AES, followed by a feedback mode and padding scheme.

The Teradata SQL Driver for Python supports the following transformations and key sizes.

Transformation Key Size
DES/CBC/NoPadding 64
DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding 64
DES/CFB/NoPadding 64
DES/CFB/PKCS5Padding 64
DES/OFB/NoPadding 64
DES/OFB/PKCS5Padding 64
DESede/CBC/NoPadding 192
DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding 192
DESede/CFB/NoPadding 192
DESede/CFB/PKCS5Padding 192
DESede/OFB/NoPadding 192
DESede/OFB/PKCS5Padding 192
AES/CBC/NoPadding 128
AES/CBC/NoPadding 192
AES/CBC/NoPadding 256
AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding 128
AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding 192
AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding 256
AES/CFB/NoPadding 128
AES/CFB/NoPadding 192
AES/CFB/NoPadding 256
AES/CFB/PKCS5Padding 128
AES/CFB/PKCS5Padding 192
AES/CFB/PKCS5Padding 256
AES/OFB/NoPadding 128
AES/OFB/NoPadding 192
AES/OFB/NoPadding 256
AES/OFB/PKCS5Padding 128
AES/OFB/PKCS5Padding 192
AES/OFB/PKCS5Padding 256

Stored Password Protection uses a symmetric encryption algorithm such as DES or AES, in which the same secret key is used for encryption and decryption of the password. Stored Password Protection does not use an asymmetric encryption algorithm such as RSA, with separate public and private keys.

CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) is a block cipher encryption mode. With CBC, each ciphertext block is dependent on all plaintext blocks processed up to that point. CBC is suitable for encrypting data whose total byte count exceeds the algorithm's block size, and is therefore suitable for use with Stored Password Protection.

Stored Password Protection hides the password length in the encrypted password file by extending the length of the UTF8-encoded password with trailing null bytes. The length is extended to the next 512-byte boundary.

  • A block cipher with no padding, such as AES/CBC/NoPadding, may only be used to encrypt data whose byte count after extension is a multiple of the algorithm's block size. The 512-byte boundary is compatible with many block ciphers. AES, for example, has a block size of 128 bits (16 bytes), and is therefore compatible with the 512-byte boundary.
  • A block cipher with padding, such as AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding, can be used to encrypt data of any length. However, CBC with padding is vulnerable to a "padding oracle attack", so Stored Password Protection performs Encrypt-then-MAC for protection from a padding oracle attack. MAC algorithms HmacSHA1 and HmacSHA256 are supported.
  • The Teradata SQL Driver for Python does not support block ciphers used as byte-oriented ciphers via modes such as CFB8 or OFB8.

The strength of the encryption depends on your choice of cipher algorithm and key size.

  • AES uses a 128-bit (16 byte), 192-bit (24 byte), or 256-bit (32 byte) key.
  • DESede uses a 192-bit (24 byte) key. The The Teradata SQL Driver for Python does not support a 128-bit (16 byte) key for DESede.
  • DES uses a 64-bit (8 byte) key.

Sharing Files with the Teradata JDBC Driver

The Teradata SQL Driver for Python and the Teradata JDBC Driver can share the files containing the password encryption key and encrypted password, if you use a transformation, key size, and MAC algorithm that is supported by both drivers.

  • Recommended choices for compatibility are AES/CBC/NoPadding and HmacSHA256.
  • Use a 256-bit key if your Java environment has the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files from Oracle.
  • Use a 128-bit key if your Java environment does not have the Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files.
  • Use HmacSHA1 for compatibility with JDK 1.4.2.

File Locations

For the ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD( syntax of the Teradata SQL Driver for Python, each filename must be preceded by the file: prefix. The PasswordEncryptionKeyFileName must be separated from the EncryptedPasswordFileName by a single comma. The files can be located in the current directory, specified with a relative path, or specified with an absolute path.

Example for files in the current directory:


Example with relative paths:


Example with absolute paths on Windows:


Example with absolute paths on Linux:


Processing Sequence

The two filenames specified for an encrypted password must be accessible to the Teradata SQL Driver for Python and must conform to the properties file formats described above. The Teradata SQL Driver for Python raises an exception if the file is not accessible, or the file does not conform to the required file format.

The Teradata SQL Driver for Python verifies that the match values in the two files are present, and match each other. The Teradata SQL Driver for Python raises an exception if the match values differ from each other. The match values are compared to ensure that the two specified files are related to each other, serving as a "sanity check" to help avoid configuration errors. The TJEncryptPassword program uses a timestamp as a shared match value, but a timestamp is not required. Any shared string can serve as a match value. The timestamp is not related in any way to the encryption of the password, and the timestamp cannot be used to decrypt the password.

Before decryption, the Teradata SQL Driver for Python calculates the MAC using the ciphertext, transformation name, and algorithm parameters if any, and verifies that the calculated MAC matches the expected MAC. The Teradata SQL Driver for Python raises an exception if the calculated MAC differs from the expected MAC, to indicate that either or both of the files may have been tampered with.

Finally, the Teradata SQL Driver for Python uses the decrypted password to log on to the Teradata Database.

Data Types

The table below lists the Teradata Database data types supported by the Teradata SQL Driver for Python, and indicates the corresponding Python data type returned in result set rows.

Teradata Database data type Result set Python data type With teradata_values as false
BLOB bytes
BYTE bytes
CHAR str
CLOB str
DATE str
DECIMAL decimal.Decimal str
FLOAT float
NUMBER decimal.Decimal str
TIME datetime.time str
TIME WITH TIME ZONE datetime.time with tzinfo str
TIMESTAMP datetime.datetime str
TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE datetime.datetime with tzinfo str

The table below lists the parameterized SQL bind-value Python data types supported by the Teradata SQL Driver for Python, and indicates the corresponding Teradata Database data type transmitted to the server.

Bind-value Python data type Teradata Database data type
datetime.datetime TIMESTAMP
datetime.datetime with tzinfo TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
datetime.time TIME
datetime.time with tzinfo TIME WITH TIME ZONE
datetime.timedelta VARCHAR format compatible with INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND
decimal.Decimal NUMBER
float FLOAT

Transforms are used for SQL ARRAY data values, and they can be transferred to and from the database as VARCHAR values.

Transforms are used for structured UDT data values, and they can be transferred to and from the database as VARCHAR values.

Null Values

SQL NULL values received from the Teradata Database are returned in result set rows as Python None values.

A Python None value bound to a question-mark parameter marker is transmitted to the Teradata Database as a NULL VARCHAR value.

Character Export Width

The Teradata SQL Driver for Python always uses the UTF8 session character set, and the charset connection parameter is not supported. Be aware of the Teradata Database's Character Export Width behavior that adds trailing space padding to fixed-width CHAR data type result set column values when using the UTF8 session character set.

The Teradata Database CHAR(n) data type is a fixed-width data type (holding n characters), and the Teradata Database reserves a fixed number of bytes for the CHAR(n) data type in response spools and in network message traffic.

UTF8 is a variable-width character encoding scheme that requires a varying number of bytes for each character. When the UTF8 session character set is used, the Teradata Database reserves the maximum number of bytes that the CHAR(n) data type could occupy in response spools and in network message traffic. When the UTF8 session character set is used, the Teradata Database appends padding characters to the tail end of CHAR(n) values smaller than the reserved maximum size, so that the CHAR(n) values all occupy the same fixed number of bytes in response spools and in network message traffic.

Work around this drawback by using CAST or TRIM in SQL SELECT statements, or in views, to convert fixed-width CHAR data types to VARCHAR.

Given a table with fixed-width CHAR columns:

CREATE TABLE MyTable (c1 CHAR(10), c2 CHAR(10))

Original query that produces trailing space padding:

SELECT c1, c2 FROM MyTable

Modified query with either CAST or TRIM to avoid trailing space padding:


Or wrap query in a view with CAST or TRIM to avoid trailing space padding:


SELECT c1, c2 FROM MyView

This technique is also demonstrated in sample program

Module Constructors

teradatasql.connect( JSONConnectionString , Parameters... )

Creates a connection to the database and returns a Connection object.

The first parameter is a JSON string or None. The second and subsequent arguments are optional kwargs. Specify connection parameters as a JSON string, as kwargs, or a combination of the two.

teradatasql.Date( Year , Month , Day )

Creates and returns a value.

teradatasql.DateFromTicks( Seconds )

Creates and returns a value corresponding to the specified number of seconds after 1970-01-01 00:00:00.

teradatasql.Time( Hour , Minute , Second )

Creates and returns a datetime.time value.

teradatasql.TimeFromTicks( Seconds )

Creates and returns a datetime.time value corresponding to the specified number of seconds after 1970-01-01 00:00:00.

teradatasql.Timestamp( Year , Month , Day , Hour , Minute , Second )

Creates and returns a datetime.datetime value.

teradatasql.TimestampFromTicks( Seconds )

Creates and returns a datetime.datetime value corresponding to the specified number of seconds after 1970-01-01 00:00:00.

Module Globals


String constant "2.0" indicating that the Teradata SQL Driver for Python implements the PEP-249 Python Database API Specification 2.0.


Integer constant 2 indicating that threads may share this module, and threads may share connections, but threads must not share cursors.


String constant "qmark" indicating that prepared SQL requests use question-mark parameter markers.

Module Exceptions

teradatasql.Error is the base class for other exceptions.

  • teradatasql.InterfaceError is raised for errors related to the driver. Not supported yet.
  • teradatasql.DatabaseError is raised for errors related to the database.
    • teradatasql.DataError is raised for data value errors such as division by zero. Not supported yet.
    • teradatasql.IntegrityError is raised for referential integrity violations. Not supported yet.
    • teradatasql.OperationalError is raised for errors related to the database's operation.
    • teradatasql.ProgrammingError is raised for SQL object existence errors and SQL syntax errors. Not supported yet.

Connection Methods


Closes the Connection.


Commits the current transaction. Not implemented yet.


Creates and returns a new Cursor object for the Connection.


Rolls back the current transaction. Not implemented yet.

Cursor Attributes


Read/write attribute specifying the number of rows to fetch at a time with the .fetchmany() method. Defaults to 1 meaning fetch a single row at a time.


Read-only attribute indicating the Cursor's parent Connection object.


Read-only attribute consisting of a sequence of seven-item sequences that each describe a result set column, available after a SQL request is executed.

  • .description[Column][0] provides the column name.
  • .description[Column][1] provides the column type code as an object comparable to one of the Type Objects listed below.
  • .description[Column][2] provides the column display size in characters. Not implemented yet.
  • .description[Column][3] provides the column size in bytes.
  • .description[Column][4] provides the column precision if applicable, or None otherwise.
  • .description[Column][5] provides the column scale if applicable, or None otherwise.
  • .description[Column][6] provides the column nullability as True or False.


Read-only attribute indicating the number of rows returned from, or affected by, the current SQL statement.

Cursor Methods

.callproc( ProcedureName , OptionalSequenceOfParameterValues )

Calls the stored procedure specified by ProcedureName. Provide the second argument as a sequence of IN and INOUT parameter values to bind the values to question-mark parameter markers in the SQL request. Specifying parameter values as a mapping is not supported. Returns a result set consisting of the INOUT parameter output values, if any, followed by any dynamic result sets.

OUT parameters are not supported by this method. Use .execute to call a stored procedure with OUT parameters.


Closes the Cursor.

.execute( SQLRequest , OptionalSequenceOfParameterValues )

Executes the SQL request. If a sequence of parameter values is provided as the second argument, the values will be bound to question-mark parameter markers in the SQL request. Specifying parameter values as a mapping is not supported.

.executemany( SQLRequest , SequenceOfSequencesOfParameterValues )

Executes the SQL request as an iterated SQL request for the batch of parameter values. The batch of parameter values must be specified as a sequence of sequences. Specifying parameter values as a mapping is not supported.


Fetches all remaining rows of the current result set. Returns a sequence of sequences of column values.

.fetchmany( OptionalRowCount )

Fetches the next series of rows of the current result set. The argument specifies the number of rows to fetch. If no argument is provided, then the Cursor's .arraysize attribute will determine the number of rows to fetch. Returns a sequence of sequences of column values, or an empty sequence to indicate that all rows have been fetched.


Fetches the next row of the current result set. Returns a sequence of column values, or None to indicate that all rows have been fetched.


Advances to the next result set. Returns True if another result set is available, or None to indicate that all result sets have been fetched.

.setinputsizes( SequenceOfTypesOrSizes )

Has no effect.

.setoutputsize( Size , OptionalColumnIndex )

Has no effect.

Type Objects


Identifies a SQL BLOB, BYTE, or VARBYTE column as a binary data type when compared with the Cursor's description attribute.

.description[Column][1] == teradatasql.BINARY


Identifies a SQL DATE, TIME, TIME WITH TIME ZONE, TIMESTAMP, or TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE column as a date/time data type when compared with the Cursor's description attribute.

.description[Column][1] == teradatasql.DATETIME


Identifies a SQL BIGINT, BYTEINT, DECIMAL, FLOAT, INTEGER, NUMBER, or SMALLINT column as a numeric data type when compared with the Cursor's description attribute.

.description[Column][1] == teradatasql.NUMBER


Identifies a SQL CHAR, CLOB, INTERVAL, PERIOD, or VARCHAR column as a character data type when compared with the Cursor's description attribute.

.description[Column][1] == teradatasql.STRING

Escape Syntax

The Teradata SQL Driver for Python accepts most of the JDBC escape clauses offered by the Teradata JDBC Driver.

Date and Time Literals

Date and time literal escape clauses are replaced by the corresponding SQL literal before the SQL request text is transmitted to the database.

Literal Type Format
Date {d 'yyyy-mm-dd'}
Time {t 'hh:mm:ss'}
Timestamp {ts 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'}
Timestamp {ts 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.f'}

For timestamp literal escape clauses, the decimal point and fractional digits may be omitted, or 1 to 6 fractional digits f may be specified after a decimal point.

Scalar Functions

Scalar function escape clauses are replaced by the corresponding SQL expression before the SQL request text is transmitted to the database.

Numeric Function Returns
{fn ABS(number)} Absolute value of number
{fn ACOS(float)} Arccosine, in radians, of float
{fn ASIN(float)} Arcsine, in radians, of float
{fn ATAN(float)} Arctangent, in radians, of float
{fn ATAN2(y,x)} Arctangent, in radians, of y / x
{fn CEILING(number)} Smallest integer greater than or equal to number
{fn COS(float)} Cosine of float radians
{fn COT(float)} Cotangent of float radians
{fn DEGREES(number)} Degrees in number radians
{fn EXP(float)} e raised to the power of float
{fn FLOOR(number)} Largest integer less than or equal to number
{fn LOG(float)} Natural (base e) logarithm of float
{fn LOG10(float)} Base 10 logarithm of float
{fn MOD(integer1,integer2)} Remainder for integer1 / integer2
{fn PI()} The constant pi, approximately equal to 3.14159...
{fn POWER(number,integer)} number raised to integer power
{fn RADIANS(number)} Radians in number degrees
{fn RAND(seed)} A random float value such that 0 ≤ value < 1, and seed is ignored
{fn ROUND(number,places)} number rounded to places
{fn SIGN(number)} -1 if number is negative; 0 if number is 0; 1 if number is positive
{fn SIN(float)} Sine of float radians
{fn SQRT(float)} Square root of float
{fn TAN(float)} Tangent of float radians
{fn TRUNCATE(number,places)} number truncated to places
String Function Returns
{fn ASCII(string)} ASCII code of the first character in string
{fn CHAR(code)} Character with ASCII code
{fn CHAR_LENGTH(string)} Length in characters of string
{fn CHARACTER_LENGTH(string)} Length in characters of string
{fn CONCAT(string1,string2)} String formed by concatenating string1 and string2
{fn DIFFERENCE(string1,string2)} A number from 0 to 4 that indicates the phonetic similarity of string1 and string2 based on their Soundex codes, such that a larger return value indicates greater phonetic similarity; 0 indicates no similarity, 4 indicates strong similarity
{fn INSERT(string1,position,length,string2)} String formed by replacing the length-character segment of string1 at position with string2, available beginning with Teradata Database 15.0
{fn LCASE(string)} String formed by replacing all uppercase characters in string with their lowercase equivalents
{fn LEFT(string,count)} Leftmost count characters of string
{fn LENGTH(string)} Length in characters of string
{fn LOCATE(string1,string2)} Position in string2 of the first occurrence of string1, or 0 if string2 does not contain string1
{fn LTRIM(string)} String formed by removing leading spaces from string
{fn OCTET_LENGTH(string)} Length in octets (bytes) of string
{fn POSITION(string1INstring2)} Position in string2 of the first occurrence of string1, or 0 if string2 does not contain string1
{fn REPEAT(string,count)} String formed by repeating string count times, available beginning with Teradata Database 15.0
{fn REPLACE(string1,string2,string3)} String formed by replacing all occurrences of string2 in string1 with string3
{fn RIGHT(string,count)} Rightmost count characters of string, available beginning with Teradata Database 15.0
{fn RTRIM(string)} String formed by removing trailing spaces from string
{fn SOUNDEX(string)} Soundex code for string
{fn SPACE(count)} String consisting of count spaces
{fn SUBSTRING(string,position,length)} The length-character segment of string at position
{fn UCASE(string)} String formed by replacing all lowercase characters in string with their uppercase equivalents
System Function Returns
{fn DATABASE()} Current default database name
{fn IFNULL(expression,value)} expression if expression is not NULL, or value if expression is NULL
{fn USER()} Logon user name, which may differ from the current authorized user name after SET QUERY_BAND sets a proxy user
Time/Date Function Returns
{fn CURDATE()} Current date
{fn CURRENT_DATE()} Current date
{fn CURRENT_TIME()} Current time
{fn CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()} Current date and time
{fn CURTIME()} Current time
{fn DAYOFMONTH(date)} Integer from 1 to 31 indicating the day of month in date
{fn EXTRACT(YEAR FROM value)} The year component of the date and/or time value
{fn EXTRACT(MONTH FROM value)} The month component of the date and/or time value
{fn EXTRACT(DAY FROM value)} The day component of the date and/or time value
{fn EXTRACT(HOUR FROM value)} The hour component of the date and/or time value
{fn EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM value)} The minute component of the date and/or time value
{fn EXTRACT(SECOND FROM value)} The second component of the date and/or time value
{fn HOUR(time)} Integer from 0 to 23 indicating the hour of time
{fn MINUTE(time)} Integer from 0 to 59 indicating the minute of time
{fn MONTH(date)} Integer from 1 to 12 indicating the month of date
{fn NOW()} Current date and time
{fn SECOND(time)} Integer from 0 to 59 indicating the second of time
{fn TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_YEAR,count,timestamp)} Timestamp formed by adding count years to timestamp
{fn TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_MONTH,count,timestamp)} Timestamp formed by adding count months to timestamp
{fn TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,count,timestamp)} Timestamp formed by adding count days to timestamp
{fn TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_HOUR,count,timestamp)} Timestamp formed by adding count hours to timestamp
{fn TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_MINUTE,count,timestamp)} Timestamp formed by adding count minutes to timestamp
{fn TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_SECOND,count,timestamp)} Timestamp formed by adding count seconds to timestamp
{fn TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_YEAR,timestamp1,timestamp2)} Number of years by which timestamp2 exceeds timestamp1
{fn TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_MONTH,timestamp1,timestamp2)} Number of months by which timestamp2 exceeds timestamp1
{fn TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_DAY,timestamp1,timestamp2)} Number of days by which timestamp2 exceeds timestamp1
{fn TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_HOUR,timestamp1,timestamp2)} Number of hours by which timestamp2 exceeds timestamp1
{fn TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_MINUTE,timestamp1,timestamp2)} Number of minutes by which timestamp2 exceeds timestamp1
{fn TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_SECOND,timestamp1,timestamp2)} Number of seconds by which timestamp2 exceeds timestamp1
{fn YEAR(date)} The year of date

Conversion Functions

Conversion function escape clauses are replaced by the corresponding SQL expression before the SQL request text is transmitted to the database.

Conversion Function Returns
{fn CONVERT(value, SQL_BIGINT)} value converted to SQL BIGINT
{fn CONVERT(value, SQL_BINARY(size))} value converted to SQL BYTE(size)
{fn CONVERT(value, SQL_CHAR(size))} value converted to SQL CHAR(size)
{fn CONVERT(value, SQL_DATE)} value converted to SQL DATE
{fn CONVERT(value, SQL_DECIMAL(precision,scale))} value converted to SQL DECIMAL(precision,scale)
{fn CONVERT(value, SQL_DOUBLE)} value converted to SQL DOUBLE PRECISION, a synonym for FLOAT
{fn CONVERT(value, SQL_FLOAT)} value converted to SQL FLOAT
{fn CONVERT(value, SQL_INTEGER)} value converted to SQL INTEGER
{fn CONVERT(value, SQL_LONGVARBINARY)} value converted to SQL VARBYTE(64000)
{fn CONVERT(value, SQL_LONGVARCHAR)} value converted to SQL LONG VARCHAR
{fn CONVERT(value, SQL_NUMERIC)} value converted to SQL NUMBER
{fn CONVERT(value, SQL_SMALLINT)} value converted to SQL SMALLINT
{fn CONVERT(value, SQL_TIME(scale))} value converted to SQL TIME(scale)
{fn CONVERT(value, SQL_TIMESTAMP(scale))} value converted to SQL TIMESTAMP(scale)
{fn CONVERT(value, SQL_TINYINT)} value converted to SQL BYTEINT
{fn CONVERT(value, SQL_VARBINARY(size))} value converted to SQL VARBYTE(size)
{fn CONVERT(value, SQL_VARCHAR(size))} value converted to SQL VARCHAR(size)

LIKE Predicate Escape Character

Within a LIKE predicate's pattern argument, the characters % (percent) and _ (underscore) serve as wildcards. To interpret a particular wildcard character literally in a LIKE predicate's pattern argument, the wildcard character must be preceded by an escape character, and the escape character must be indicated in the LIKE predicate's ESCAPE clause.

LIKE predicate escape character escape clauses are replaced by the corresponding SQL clause before the SQL request text is transmitted to the database.

{escape 'EscapeCharacter'}

The escape clause must be specified immediately after the LIKE predicate that it applies to.

Outer Joins

Outer join escape clauses are replaced by the corresponding SQL clause before the SQL request text is transmitted to the database.

{oj TableName OptionalCorrelationNameLEFT OUTER JOINTableName OptionalCorrelationNameONJoinCondition}

{oj TableName OptionalCorrelationNameRIGHT OUTER JOINTableName OptionalCorrelationNameONJoinCondition}

{oj TableName OptionalCorrelationNameFULL OUTER JOINTableName OptionalCorrelationNameONJoinCondition}

Stored Procedure Calls

Stored procedure call escape clauses are replaced by the corresponding SQL clause before the SQL request text is transmitted to the database.

{call ProcedureName}

{call ProcedureName(CommaSeparatedParameterValues...)}

Native SQL

When a SQL request contains the native SQL escape clause, all escape clauses are replaced in the SQL request text, and the modified SQL request text is returned to the application as a result set containing a single row and a single VARCHAR column. The SQL request text is not transmitted to the database, and the SQL request is not executed. The native SQL escape clause mimics the functionality of the JDBC API Connection.nativeSQL method.

{fn teradata_nativesql}

Connection Functions

The following table lists connection function escape clauses that are intended for use with the native SQL escape clause {fn teradata_nativesql}.

These functions provide information about the connection, or control the behavior of the connection. Functions that provide information return locally-cached information and avoid a round-trip to the database. Connection function escape clauses are replaced by the returned information before the SQL request text is transmitted to the database.

Connection Function Returns
{fn teradata_amp_count} Number of AMPs of the Teradata Database system
{fn teradata_database_version} Version number of the Teradata Database
{fn teradata_driver_version} Version number of the Teradata SQL Driver for Python
{fn teradata_getloglevel} Current log level
{fn teradata_logon_sequence_number} Session's Logon Sequence Number, if available
{fn teradata_provide(config_response)} Config Response parcel contents in JSON format
{fn teradata_provide(connection_id)} Connection's unique identifier within the process
{fn teradata_provide(default_connection)} false indicating this is not a stored procedure default connection
{fn teradata_provide(host_id)} Session's host ID
{fn teradata_provide(java_charset_name)} UTF8
{fn teradata_provide(lob_support)} true or false indicating this connection's LOB support
{fn teradata_provide(local_address)} Local address of the connection's TCP socket
{fn teradata_provide(local_port)} Local port of the connection's TCP socket
{fn teradata_provide(original_hostname)} Original specified Teradata Database hostname
{fn teradata_provide(redrive_active)} true or false indicating whether this connection has Redrive active
{fn teradata_provide(remote_address)} Hostname (if available) and IP address of the connected Teradata Database node
{fn teradata_provide(remote_port)} TCP port number of the Teradata Database
{fn teradata_provide(rnp_active)} true or false indicating whether this connection has Recoverable Network Protocol active
{fn teradata_provide(session_charset_code)} Session character set code 191
{fn teradata_provide(session_charset_name)} Session character set name UTF8
{fn teradata_provide(sip_support)} true or false indicating this connection's StatementInfo parcel support
{fn teradata_provide(transaction_mode)} Session's transaction mode, ANSI or TERA
{fn teradata_session_number} Session number
{fn teradata_setloglevel(LogLevel)} Empty string, and changes the connection's LogLevel

Request-Scope Functions

The following table lists request-scope function escape clauses that are intended for use with the Cursor .execute or .executemany methods.

These functions control the behavior of the corresponding Cursor, and are limited in scope to the particular SQL request in which they are specified. Request-scope function escape clauses are removed before the SQL request text is transmitted to the database.

Request-Scope Function Effect
{fn teradata_failfast} Reject ("fail fast") this SQL request rather than delay by a workload management rule or throttle
{fn teradata_fake_result_sets} A fake result set containing statement metadata precedes each real result set
{fn teradata_lobselect(Option)} Executes the SQL request with LOB select Option S (spool-scoped LOB locators), T (transaction-scoped LOB locators), or the default I (inline materialized LOB values)
{fn teradata_provide(request_scope_lob_support_off)} Turns off LOB support for this SQL request
{fn teradata_provide(request_scope_refresh_rsmd)} Executes the SQL request with the default request processing option B (both)
{fn teradata_provide(request_scope_sip_support_off)} Turns off StatementInfo parcel support for this SQL request
{fn teradata_rpo(RequestProcessingOption)} Executes the SQL request with RequestProcessingOption S (prepare), E (execute), or the default B (both)
{fn teradata_untrusted} Marks the SQL request as untrusted; not implemented yet

Change Log

  • PYDBAPI-65 sample program

  • PYDBAPI-57 fetchmany may return "rows are closed" instead of empty result set

  • GOSQL-11 JWT authentication method
  • GOSQL-16 tmode connection parameter
  • GOSQL-17 commit and rollback functions


Teradata SQL Driver for Python
