lswest / cli-cookbook

A Command-Line cookbook of useful commands (created for Command & Conquer in Full Circle Magazine)

Repository from Github https://github.comlswest/cli-cookbookRepository from Github https://github.comlswest/cli-cookbook


A Command-Line cookbook of useful commands (created for Command & Conquer in Full Circle Magazine)

If you want to contribute, feel free to clone the repository and edit away! I will merge back any changes that I feel comfortable publicizing. Malicious commands (with no security-based use) will be ignored. Anything else will be clearly marked as dangerous if it can lead to data loss. For any command that impacts large numbers of files, you should always be absolutely sure you know what you're doing!

However, I take no responsibility for anything that can go wrong - this is intended as a reference point. The best way to avoid grief is to back up regularly!

For those of you uncomfortable with LaTeX, you can open an issue on this repo, and I will try to add in your suggestions in a timely manner!


For the moment I've limited myself to Linux/Unix systems. If anyone wants to add to the Cookbook with commands for Windows or Mac OS X, I am not opposed to it. However, I will keep the Cookbook sectioned accordingly, if this happens.

Technical Information

The LaTeX file uses the following packages: inputenc (input encoding), fancyvrb (Fancy Verbatim), color, and hyperref.


A Command-Line cookbook of useful commands (created for Command & Conquer in Full Circle Magazine)



Language:TeX 100.0%