lstasiak / StanfordDogs-Classifier-FastApi

Simple ML API built on FastApi for classifying breed of dog based on uploaded image with provided token authorization. PyTorch CNN model trained on Stanford Dogs dataset

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ML multiclass- classification service

Python CI

About the project

This project consists of the Machine Learning service for image classification task, created with FastAPI. The project is managed by Docker-Compose app and connects the following services:

  • postgres database
  • web service with fastapi
  • celery
  • redis

All uploaded images are stored in Postgresql database as defined objects.

The docker image of this project is available on my docker-hub


The main purpose of this project is to obtain more practice and knowledge about building ML application with FastApi framework connected with several services in docker containers.

ATTENTION Dataset images have to be downloaded from the Source and unpacked in the dataset/ so the project won't crash at the start.

Dataset & model

The task is defined as the multi-label-classification problem. The chosen CNN model consists of the base model, which is pre-trained EfficientNetV2 network and head model - Sequential model composed of FeedForward Neural Networks.

Dataset for this task consists of 20,580 images of different dog breeds, so the task is 120-class classification problem.

Currently, saved "best" model performs with ~82% accuracy on validation set, but training with larger epochs can probably increase this result.


Starting app on docker

To start the docker-compose application we can simply run (being located in project dir) in terminal:

docker-compose up --build

or equivalently with make command (using Makefile):

make build

After build is completed we should see then logs of started three services: web, celery and redis. The API should be accessible on localhost with port 8000 (check logs), e.g.

API Walkthrough

To simply test the api functionality we can use documentation:, check the endpoint and execute Try it out

Upload image

The endpoint for creating new image object is available through: Fields: filename and ground_truth are optional and not providing them does not raise any exceptions (although ground_truth is used to confirm predicted class in the image from images/id/view endpoint).

Example response:

  "filename": "test",
  "file": "long bytes object decoded as str",
  "predictions": null,
  "ground_truth": "papillon",
  "id": 3

Here file field is shown only to confirm the object is being saved in db.

Making predictions

To start making predictions:

  1. Go on
  2. Check api/predict endpoint and click Try it out button.
  3. Enter the id of the image that was already uploaded.
  4. You can also pass optional device argument ["cpu", "gpu", "mps"] and the inference will be performed on it if the device is accessible, otherwise it will run on default device.
  5. Click Execute and check the response.

Example response:

  "data": {
    "task_id": "2befa18a-4108-4909-bd96-f84b44670405",
    "status": "PENDING"
  "message": "Task received"

List uploaded images & get image by id

To list all images from db or get specific image object by passing id, use: or{id}

Example response (get image by id):

  "data": {
    "filename": "test",
    "predictions": {
      "Papillon": 0.9762507081031799,
      "Shetland_sheepdog": 0.014413505792617798,
      "Pomeranian": 0.003125004470348358,
      "Border_collie": 0.0028909659013152122,
      "Collie": 0.0018272408051416278,
      "Chihuahua": 0.00033904475276358426,
      "Pembroke": 0.00020536882220767438,
      "Borzoi": 0.00018209789413958788,
      "Welsh_springer_spaniel": 0.00013516127364709973,
      "Appenzeller": 0.00010434777504997328,
      "Toy_terrier": 0.00009056834824150428,
      "Samoyed": 0.000052933653932996094,
      "Japanese_spaniel": 0.00005093629442853853,
      "Groenendael": 0.000031502982892561704,
      "Schipperke": 0.00003092475526500493,
      "Keeshond": 0.000023425009203492664,
      "English_springer": 0.000023408794731949456,
      "Cardigan": 0.000018566704966360703,
      "Toy_poodle": 0.00001617132693354506,
      "Italian_greyhound": 0.00001597254777152557,
      "Maltese_dog": 0.000014293143067334313,
      "Yorkshire_terrier": 0.00001391701698594261,
      "Dhole": 0.000013456841770675965,
      "Blenheim_spaniel": 0.0000098424852694734,
      "Shih_tzu": 0.000009299164048570674,
      "English_setter": 0.000008905268259695731,
      "Bernese_mountain_dog": 0.000008354482815775555,
      "Saluki": 0.000007056750291667413,
      "Great_pyrenees": 0.0000059423564380267635,
      "Tibetan_terrier": 0.0000055240730034711305,
      "Malamute": 0.000005304834303387906,
      "Miniature_poodle": 0.000004898203314951388,
      "Affenpinscher": 0.0000044280413931119256,
      "Old_english_sheepdog": 0.000004422340225573862,
      "Afghan_hound": 0.0000042071524148923345,
      "Pekinese": 0.000003988528078480158,
      "Scottish_deerhound": 0.0000036175206332700327,
      "West_highland_white_terrier": 0.0000034796389627445024,
      "Boston_bull": 0.0000032363232094212435,
      "Flat_coated_retriever": 0.0000029643276775459526,
      "Miniature_schnauzer": 0.00000268147391579987,
      "Miniature_pinscher": 0.000002277450448673335,
      "Kuvasz": 0.0000021182790987950284,
      "Beagle": 0.0000020369056983327027,
      "Cairn": 0.0000017380342569595086,
      "Basenji": 0.0000014718439160787966,
      "Saint_bernard": 0.0000014191483614922618,
      "Silky_terrier": 0.0000013275677019919385,
      "Scotch_terrier": 0.0000011942145192733733,
      "Tibetan_mastiff": 0.000001034349679684965,
      "Irish_setter": 9.886762200039811e-7,
      "Entlebucher": 9.773245892574778e-7,
      "Eskimo_dog": 9.415812769475451e-7,
      "Siberian_husky": 8.148131769303291e-7,
      "Dandie_dinmont": 7.600197591273172e-7,
      "Golden_retriever": 7.509389661208843e-7,
      "Brittany_spaniel": 6.986129506003635e-7,
      "Brabancon_griffon": 6.765856710444496e-7,
      "Ibizan_hound": 6.628776532124903e-7,
      "Wire_haired_fox_terrier": 6.592469503630127e-7,
      "Norfolk_terrier": 6.592060799448518e-7,
      "Walker_hound": 6.025947527632525e-7,
      "Gordon_setter": 5.836500918121601e-7,
      "Australian_terrier": 5.566158733927296e-7,
      "Norwich_terrier": 5.196019401410013e-7,
      "Newfoundland": 4.561269122405065e-7,
      "Clumber": 4.5476261334442825e-7,
      "Whippet": 4.411133431858616e-7,
      "Greater_swiss_mountain_dog": 4.3949626160610933e-7,
      "Standard_schnauzer": 4.378133269256068e-7,
      "Standard_poodle": 4.069210035595461e-7,
      "Dingo": 3.645175183919491e-7,
      "Cocker_spaniel": 3.601787170737225e-7,
      "Briard": 3.2644055636410485e-7,
      "Norwegian_elkhound": 3.0720494237357343e-7,
      "Bluetick": 2.298437351555549e-7,
      "Mexican_hairless": 2.2215310480078188e-7,
      "Chow": 2.0168964454114757e-7,
      "American_staffordshire_terrier": 1.9765209913202852e-7,
      "African_hunting_dog": 1.868931747139868e-7,
      "Border_terrier": 1.493271497565729e-7,
      "Lhasa": 1.436569192492243e-7,
      "Lakeland_terrier": 1.43025374654826e-7,
      "Kelpie": 1.298654268566679e-7,
      "Leonberg": 1.2859393905273464e-7,
      "Malinois": 1.2849477570853196e-7,
      "English_foxhound": 9.28600414340508e-8,
      "Boxer": 9.206431883512778e-8,
      "Kerry_blue_terrier": 8.602511059052631e-8,
      "German_shepherd": 8.260970218998409e-8,
      "Irish_wolfhound": 7.9415585219067e-8,
      "Bedlington_terrier": 7.763809151128953e-8,
      "Doberman": 6.98756537076406e-8,
      "Curly_coated_retriever": 5.836214000964901e-8,
      "German_short_haired_pointer": 3.9017667319285465e-8,
      "Black_and_tan_coonhound": 3.7908431949063015e-8,
      "Sealyham_terrier": 3.6194009567225294e-8,
      "Sussex_spaniel": 3.288237593324084e-8,
      "Komondor": 3.219628652573192e-8,
      "Airedale": 3.102044132674564e-8,
      "Soft_coated_wheaten_terrier": 2.8839599153229756e-8,
      "French_bulldog": 2.6772626782189946e-8,
      "Staffordshire_bullterrier": 2.6382101836475158e-8,
      "Giant_schnauzer": 1.9088188807359074e-8,
      "Irish_water_spaniel": 1.6775176803207614e-8,
      "Irish_terrier": 1.577572383837378e-8,
      "Otterhound": 1.0649638504389713e-8,
      "Rottweiler": 1.0159805441389835e-8,
      "Rhodesian_ridgeback": 1.0159766361539369e-8,
      "Redbone": 9.627810548806792e-9,
      "Pug": 8.71504024502201e-9,
      "Basset": 8.47000958259514e-9,
      "Weimaraner": 8.060402123533095e-9,
      "Great_dane": 4.962006805442343e-9,
      "Bouvier_des_flandres": 4.3490238077481536e-9,
      "Vizsla": 4.206151427155191e-9,
      "Labrador_retriever": 3.4216840472112153e-9,
      "Bull_mastiff": 1.9970844977734714e-9,
      "Bloodhound": 1.992381815085764e-9,
      "Chesapeake_bay_retriever": 5.945314796029777e-10
    "ground_truth": "papillon",
    "id": 3

Here predictions field will be non-empty after making predict post request. Also note that file field was excluded from response purposely (as well as from list of images endpoint).

View predictions

We can view predicted result on given image using{id}/view endpoint. The response image is obtained using StreamingResponse. Example from docs:

Example images/id/view response

Celery task status

After making predictions, we can check in celery logs (docker-compose logs -f celery) that the action was registered as task and sent to celery queue. We can also check the task status passing task_id to{task_id}.

Local scripts

Locally we can run inference as well as network training by running python scripts located in src/scripts/: and using make command (with default settings):

make predict
make train-model

or using docker-compose. Example below runs training with applied head model on 10 epochs with batch size = 64 for ResNet model. The other available model is "EfficientNet" and with save model option.

docker-compose exec web python src/scripts/ --epochs=10 --batch=64 --model="ResNet" --save --extractor

So model training can be run with the following settings:

  • epochs, batch, learning rate
  • different base model architecture: ResNet or EfficientNet
  • different type of architecture functionality: with head model (so the base weights are frozen) or in the fine-tuning mode.


We can check model training data such as Loss value, Accuracy and F_score both on training and test dataset by checking:

Other functionalities defined in Makefile include e.g. code reformatting using black and isort.


  • Separate prediction and upload image endpoints
  • Perform celery prediction task in the background (combined with async function)
  • Increase model performance (increased from ~70% to 82%)
  • Add tests (app tests completed!)
  • Make prediction visualizations available from API
  • GitHub actions (there's currently working setup, but little primitive)
  • Monitoring tools


Simple ML API built on FastApi for classifying breed of dog based on uploaded image with provided token authorization. PyTorch CNN model trained on Stanford Dogs dataset

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 96.2%Language:Makefile 1.7%Language:HTML 1.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%Language:Mako 0.3%