lsst / lsst_build

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

lsst-build, a builder and continuous integration tool for LSST

Build Status

Provides the following capabilities:

  • Given one or more top-level packages, intelligently clone their git repositories and check out the requested branches into a build directory:

    lsst-build prepare
       [--ref=branch1 [--ref=branch2 [...]]]
       <builddir> <product1> [product2 [product3 [...]]]

    Run lsst-build prepare -h to see the full list of options.

  • Given that build directory, and an EUPS stack, intelligently build and install those packages:

    lsst-build build <builddir>

    Run lsst-build build -h to see the full list of options.


git clone
export REPOSITORY_PATTERN="git://|git://|git://|git://"

cat > exclusions.txt <<-EOF
    # Exclusion map. Format:
    # dependency regex      product regex
    cuda_toolkit            .*
    cuda_sdk                .*
    scipy                   .*
    healpy                  .*
    condor                  .*

mkdir build

lsst-build prepare \
    build lsst_distrib

lsst-build build build

lsst-build prepare

lsst-build prepare clones the given top level product(s) into <builddir>, discovers its dependencies by reading its ups/$PRODUCT.table file, and recursively clones them until all dependencies are exhausted. Following the clone, it writes out <builddir>/manifest.txt file, which lists all cloned products, their versions and dependency relationships.

It maps product names to git repository URLs via a repository pattern, a |-separated string of python string format patterns passed by --repository-pattern option, or existing in a $REPOSITORY_PATTERN environment variable. Each format pattern is evaluated in order with %(product) replaced by the product name to construct the URL, and a git-clone is attempted until a clone is successful.

lsst-build skips any dependencies matching a rule in an exclusion map given --via exclusion-map option. The exclusion map is a text file with two entries per line: the dependency regex and the product regex. Any product that matches the dependency regex, while being considered for cloning as a dependency of a product that matches product regex, will be skipped.

Once cloned, a branch/tag/commit given by --ref is checked out. If multiple --ref options are given, each ref is tested for existence until one that exists is found and checked out. If no requested refs exist, master is checked out. This is commonly used to prepare and test the build of a ticket branch, falling back to master if that branch doesn't exist in some repositories (i.e., lsst-build prepare --ref ticket/1234 --ref master ...).

Upon completing the clone and ref checkouts of all packages in the product tree, lsst-build prepare writes out a "build manifest" in <builddir>/manifest.txt. This is a topologically sorted whitespace-separated list of (product, sha1, version, dependencies), with one line per cloned product. Given the topological sorting, it is possible to build the packages in order of appearance in the file. The 'dependencies' entry is a comma-separated list of dependency product names (first level only).

In addition to these tuples, the manifest may also contain variable assignments of the form VARNAME=VARVALUE. Current implementation of lsst-build defines only one, BUILD, which is a locally unique identifier identifying this particular set of packages (i.e., a "build number").

The construction of version string in the build manifest depends on whether --version-git-repo option has been used. If it is not, the version string is constructed as <pkgautoversion>+<deps_sha1>, where pkgautoversion is the output of EUPS' pkgautoversion tool when run in the product's git repository, and <deps_sha1> is the abbreviated SHA1 of a sorted, space-separated list of (product, version) tuples of its dependencies. This guarantees that two disconnected runs of lsst-build with exactly the same input repositories will compute the same versions.

If --version-git-repo=<versiondb> is given, then the versions are of the form <pkgautoversion>+<N>, where N is a monotonically increasing integer. Nevertheless, N is guaranteed to be the same for the same set of dependencies. To achieve this, the files in <versiondb> directory record the mapping from deps_sha1, computed as described in the previous paragraph, and the integer N. Given the same source repositories, and the same versiondb repository, two disconnected lsst-build prepare runs are guaranteed to generate the same versions. Note that <versiondb> must be a specially formatted git repository (see the 'VersionDB Repository' section for more).

The construction of the build ID (BUILD=xxx entry in the manifest) also depends on whether --version-git-repo option is in effect. If no, then this ID is computed by looking for the highest EUPS tag matching b* and incrementing it by one (e.g., if EUPS tags b1, b2, and b3 already exist, BUILD=b4 would be written into the manifest). If --version-git-repo is used, the same algorithm is applied but on git tags of the versiondb repository. Also, if --version-git-repo is used the manifest will be stored in versiondb repository, the repository will be git-committed and tagged with the build ID.

If --version-git-repo is used, it is advisable to git-push the repository upstream upon a successful lsst-build prepare (esp. before lsst-build build is run). This ensures that no versions can exist in the installed stack that are not present in the versiondb repo on the central server.

lsst-build build

lsst-build build builds, installs and EUPS-declares, each product found in the list in <builddir>/manifest.txt unless the product with the same name and version is already EUPS-declared in the stack. The build is done using the eupspkg mechanism; products not using eupspkg cannot be built with lsst-build build. Each successfully installed product is EUPS-tagged with the build identifier (the BUILD=xxxx entry in manifest.txt).

For each product found in <builddir>/manifest.txt, lsst-build build first checks if it already exists on the stack in EUPS_PATH. If not, it enters its directory, sets up its dependencies (roughly, using setup -r ."), and runs eupspkg {prep, config, build, install} sequence. If the build is successful, it declares the product to EUPS. Either way, the product is tagged with the BUILD value given in manifest.txt.

At the end of a successful run, all products listed in <builddir>/manfest.txt will have been build, declared and installed into the active EUPS stack (the first entry on $EUPS_PATH), and tagged with the value of BUILD (the "build number").

Environment Variables

lsst-build may use the following environment variables:


    A |-separated string of python string format patterns used to map product names to URLs of their git repositories. Each format pattern is evaluated with %(product) replaced by the product name to construct the URL. A git-clone is attempted on each one (in order), until a clone is successful. Setting this variable is equivalent to specifying the patter via --repository-pattern option.


    The colon-separated path to EUPS-managed software stacks. lsst-build will use these (via EUPS) to determine whether products need to be built or have already been built, and will install new products into this location (using eupspkg).

VersionDB Repository

VersionDB is a specially-formatted git-managed directory that serves as a +N dependency number and build ID number database for lsst-build with --version-git-repo option (see above).

It consists of three subdirectories:

  • ver_db/

    A directory of text files, one per product, with space-separated (product_version, N, deps_sha1) pairs. Used by lsst-build to always assign the same +N suffix to same set of dependencies (both products and their versions).

  • dep_db/

    A directory of text files, one per product, with space-separated list of (product_version, N, dep_name, dep_version) tuples. May be used by the user to quickly look up a set of dependencies corresponding to some +N suffix. Note that this information is also available in the product's expanded table file.

  • manifests/

    A directory where build manifests are stored. Each manifest is named $BUILD.txt, where $BUILD is the unique build ID. Every time lsst-build is run with --version-git-repo, it will add the resulting manifest to this directory, git-commit it, and tag it with the build ID, unless a manifest with matching content already exists. In the latter case, that build ID will be reused and no new commits will be added to VersionDB.

Note that it is not necessary to understand this internal format to use this repository; in fact, one should not depend on its internal format, as it may change as lsst-build itself is improved.



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