lsmith77 / socialstream

A simple Socialite implementation for Laravel Jetstream.

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Socialstream is a third-party package for Laravel Jetstream. It replaces the published authentication and profile scaffolding provided by Laravel Jetstream, with scaffolding that has support for Laravel Socialite.

If you are unfamiliar with Laravel Socialite, it is strongly advised that you take a look at the official documentation.

⚠️ Important! ⚠️

Socialstream, like Jetstream, should only be installed on NEW applications, installing Socialstream into an existing application will break your applications functionality. It is strongly advised against installing this package within an existing applications.


Getting started with Socialstream is a breeze. With a simple two-step process to get you on your way to creating the next big thing. Inspired by the simplicity of Jetstream's installation process, Socialstream follows the same 'installation':

composer require joelbutcher/socialstream

php artisan socialstream:install

The socialstream:install command will overwrite the Jetstream published files which are required for Socialstream to work.

Note: If you don't have Laravel Jetstream installed, the above command will walk you through the steps required to install it.

Configuration & Setup

Once Socialstream is installed, it will publish a config file. In this config file, you can define whether or not the packages alterations should be shown, the middleware used to wrap the routes as well as the providers that you wish to use:


return [
    'middleware' => ['web'],
    'providers' => [
    'features' => [
        // \JoelButcher\Socialstream\Features::rememberSession(),

Once you’ve defined your providers, you will need to update your services.php config file and create client_id, client_secret and redirect keys for each provider:

'{provider}' => [
    'client_id' => env('{PROVIDER}_CLIENT_ID'),
    'client_secret' => env('{PROVIDER}_CLIENT_SECRET'),
    'redirect' => env('{PROVIDER}_REDIRECT'), // e.g. '{provider}/callback'

Generating the redirect.

In some cases, you may want to customise how Socialite handles the generation of the redirect to a provider. For example, you may wish to To do this, you may alter the GenerateRedirectForProvider action found in app/Actions/Socialstream. For example, you may need to define scopes, the response type (e.g. implicit grant type), or any additional request info:

 * Generates the redirect for a given provider.
 * @param  string  $provider
 * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse
public function generate(string $provider)
    return Socialite::driver($provider)
        ->with(['response_type' => 'token'])

Resolving users

By default, Socialstream will resolve user information from Socialite using the following logic:


Returning an instance of \Laravel\Socialite\AbstractUser. However, you may wish to customise the way user resolution is done. For example, you may wish to use the stateless method available for some Socialite providers. Socialstream makes this easy for you and publishes a ResolveSocialiteUser action to you applications app/Actions/Socialstream directory. Simply customise this class with the logic required for your use-casee.

Handling Invalid State

To handle instances where Socialite throws an InvalidStateException a dedicated HandleInvalidState action is made available to you when you first install Socialstream. You are free to modify or extend this action according to your needs.

Alternatively, you may write your own action to handle the exception. To do so, you'll need to implement JoelButcher\Socialstream\Contracts\HandlesInvalidState and update the following line in App\Providers\SocialstreamServiceProvider



Below, you can find a complete list of optional features included with Socialstream as of version 3.x.

Create account on first login

This feature enables the capability to register a new user account (and team if the Jetstream feature is enabled) when a user attempts to authenticate via the '/login' route.

To turn on this feature add the following to config/socialstream.php:

'features' => [

Log in on registration

If a user has already registered with a particular email address, and the OAuth account they attempt to register with returns the same email, the provider will be linked to the existing user and they will be logged in.

To turn on this feature add the following to config/socialstream.php:

'features' => [

Remember Session

This feature passes the boolean value "remember" value to true when authenticating with Laravel Fortify

To turn on this feature add the following to config/socialstream.php:

'features' => [

Handling Missing Emails

Some providers (such as GitHub), don't always return an email address when attempting to authenticate with them. In this case, Socialstream will generate a random email address for you. This email will be in the format user_id.provider@yourappdomain.tld. E.g.

To turn on this feature add the following to config/socialstream.php:

'features' => [

Provider Avatars

This feature determines whether or not to pull in a users avatar / profile image from a provider.

To turn on this feature add the following to config/socialstream.php:

'features' => [

Socialite Providers

If you wish to use the community driven socialiteproviders package with Socialstream, you may do so by following their documentation on installing the package into a Laravel project. There are a few configuration steps you will need to go through first.

To implement a custom provider, you will need to create an SVG icon file (e.g. twitter-icon.blade.php or TwitterIcon.vue) to be used in the authentication cards and the account management panel.

You will then need to alter the appropriate published components with your new icons and provider condition:

  • Connected Account component
  • Socialstream Providers component

Note: Some providers will not return a token in the callback response. As such, you will need to modify the 2020_12_22_000000_create_connected_accounts_table.php migration to allow the token field to accept NULL values


Check out the CHANGELOG in this repository for all the recent changes.


Socialstream is developed and maintained by Joel Butcher


Socialstream has a strong community of contributors helping make it the best package for integrating Socialite into your application. You can view all contributers here


Socialstream is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


A simple Socialite implementation for Laravel Jetstream.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 64.9%Language:Vue 20.3%Language:Blade 14.8%