lsl / docker-composer

Composer with hirak/prestissimo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PHP Composer with hirak/prestissimo

This docker image is expected to be used in a multistage build that requires a composer install step.

This image is a stable drop-in replacement for the official composer image if you already use it.

There are a couple of helper commands with some opinionated flags but the normal composer command is still available if you don't like the chosen defaults.

Example usage

The below is geared towards a Laravel production build but can easily be tailored as needed.

FROM lslio/composer as composer

COPY ./composer.* /www/
RUN composer-install -d /www

COPY . /www
RUN composer-dump-autoload -d /www

FROM lslio/nginx-php-fpm

ENV SERVER_ROOT=/www/public

COPY --from=composer --chown=www-data:www-data /www /www


Composer with hirak/prestissimo


Language:Dockerfile 100.0%