lsha49 / FairBERT_deploy

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FairBERT: Fair sampling to pretrain of BERT

An python repository to perform fair sampling which is applied in submitted paper in @todo.

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  • Python 3.8
  • Tensorflow > 1.5
  • tensorflow-estimator 2.7.0
  • tensorflow-macos 2.7.0
  • tensorflow-metal 0.3.0
  • Sklearn > 0.19.0

Seed Dataset with hardness constraint

We detail below how to implement hardness constraint (H-bias) on seed dataset. See example code in

Hardness Bias

The H-bias can be calculated by calKDN function. After generating samples, we evaluate the kDN distribution by first calculating kDN by kdn_score().

kdnResult = kdn_score(features, labels, number_of_neighbors)

Then calculating JS distance by distance.jensenshannon and selected samples which lower H-bias.


Fairness Evaluation

We applied abroca package in ABROCA. A sample calculation of ABROCA:

slice = compute_abroca(abrocaDf, 
        pred_col = 'prob_1' , 
        label_col = 'label', 
        protected_attr_col = 'gender',
        majority_protected_attr_val = '2',
        compare_type = 'binary', # binary, overall, etc...
        n_grid = 10000,
        plot_slices = False)

Model implementation detail

A Logistic regression model is implemented in by logisticRegression function.

A sample GridSearched model: 
lrc = LogisticRegression(C=4.281332398719396, class_weight=None, dual=False,
    fit_intercept=True, intercept_scaling=1, max_iter=100,
    n_jobs=1, penalty='l1', random_state=None,
    solver='liblinear', tol=0.0001, verbose=0, warm_start=False)

Embedding extraction implementation detail

A sample embedding extraction from BERT model is implemented in `````, where BERT embedding is extracted.

hidden_states = model(torch.tensor(tokenizer.encode(entry,truncation=True)).unsqueeze(0))[1]

Further pretraining implementation detail

We followed the same pretraining procedule as shown in huggingface See a sample implmentation in


AL sampling implementation detail

AL sampling is implemented by alipy See a sample implmentation of QBC in See a comprehensive documentation of all the query selection function in here

alibox.get_query_strategy(strategy_name='QueryInstanceQBC').select(labelledSet, unLabelledSet, model=xxx, batch_size=xxx)



Language:Python 100.0%