lserafin / postflop-solver

An open-source postflop solver library written in Rust

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An open-source postflop solver library written in Rust


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  • Cargo.toml
postflop-solver = { git = "" }
  • Examples
use postflop_solver::*;

// configure game specification
let oop_range = "66+,A8s+,A5s-A4s,AJo+,K9s+,KQo,QTs+,JTs,96s+,85s+,75s+,65s,54s";
let ip_range = "QQ-22,AQs-A2s,ATo+,K5s+,KJo+,Q8s+,J8s+,T7s+,96s+,86s+,75s+,64s+,53s+";
let bet_sizes = BetSizeCandidates::try_from(("50%", "50%")).unwrap();
let config = GameConfig {
    flop: flop_from_str("Td9d6h").unwrap(),
    turn: NOT_DEALT, // or `card_from_str("Qh").unwrap()`
    river: NOT_DEALT,
    starting_pot: 200,
    effective_stack: 900,
    range: [oop_range.parse().unwrap(), ip_range.parse().unwrap()],
    flop_bet_sizes: [bet_sizes.clone(), bet_sizes.clone()],
    turn_bet_sizes: [bet_sizes.clone(), bet_sizes.clone()],
    river_bet_sizes: [bet_sizes.clone(), bet_sizes.clone()],
    add_all_in_threshold: 1.2,
    force_all_in_threshold: 0.1,
    adjust_last_two_bet_sizes: true,

// build game tree
let mut game = PostFlopGame::with_config(&config).unwrap();

// obtain private hands
let oop_hands = game.private_hand_cards(0);
    "oop_hands[0]: {}{}",
    card_to_string(oop_hands[0].1).unwrap(), // 5c
    card_to_string(oop_hands[0].0).unwrap()  // 4c

// check memory usage
let (mem_usage, mem_usage_compressed) = game.memory_usage();
    "Memory usage without compression: {:.2}GB",
    mem_usage as f64 / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0)
    "Memory usage with compression: {:.2}GB",
    mem_usage_compressed as f64 / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0)

// allocate memory without compression

// allocate memory with compression
// game.allocate_memory(true);

// solve the game
let max_num_iterations = 1000;
let target_exploitability = config.starting_pot as f32 * 0.005;
let exploitability = solve(&mut game, max_num_iterations, target_exploitability, true);
println!("Exploitability: {:.2}", exploitability);

// solve the game manually
// for i in 0..max_num_iterations {
//     solve_step(&game, i);
//     if (i + 1) % 10 == 0 {
//         let exploitability = compute_exploitability(&game);
//         if exploitability <= target_exploitability {
//             println!("Exploitability: {:.2}", exploitability);
//             break;
//         }
//     }
// }
// finalize(&mut game);

// get equity and EV of a specific hand
let equity = game.equity(game.current_player());
let ev = game.expected_values();
println!("Equity of oop_hands[0]: {:.2}%", 100.0 * equity[0]);
println!("EV of oop_hands[0]: {:.2}", ev[0]);

// get equity and EV of whole hand
let weights = game.normalized_weights(game.current_player());
let average_equity = compute_average(&equity, weights);
let average_ev = compute_average(&ev, weights);
println!("Average equity: {:.2}%", 100.0 * average_equity);
println!("Average EV: {:.2}", average_ev);

// get available actions
let actions = game.available_actions();
println!("Available actions: {:?}", actions); // [Check, Bet(100)]

// play `Bet(100)`;

// get available actions
let actions = game.available_actions();
println!("Available actions: {:?}", actions); // [Fold, Call, Raise(300)]

// play `Call`;

// confirm that the current node is a chance node

// confirm that "7s" may be dealt
let card = card_from_str("7s").unwrap();
assert!(game.possible_cards() & (1 << card) != 0);

// deal "7s" as usize);

// back to the root node

Implementation details

  • Algorithm: The solver uses Discounted CFR algorithm. Currently, the value of γ is set to 5.0, rather than the 2.0 recommended by the original paper.
  • Precision: 32-bit floating-point numbers are used in most places. When calculating summations, temporal values use 64-bit floating-point numbers. If the compression feature is enabled, each game node stores the values by 16-bit integers with a single 32-bit floating-point scaling factor.
  • Handling isomorphism: The solver does not perform any abstraction. However, isomorphic chances (turn and river deals) are combined into one. For example, if the flop is monotone, the three non-dealt suits are isomorphic, allowing us to skip the calculation for two of the three suits.

Crate features

  • bincode: Uses bincode crate (2.0.0-rc.1) to serialize and deserialize the PostFlopGame struct. Disabled by default.
  • custom-alloc: Uses custom memory allocator in solving process (only available in nightly Rust). It significantly reduces the number of calls of the default allocator, so it is recommended to use this feature when the default allocator is not so efficient. Note that this feature assumes that, at most, only one instance of PostFlopGame is available when solving in a program. Disabled by default.
  • rayon: Uses rayon crate for parallelization. Enabled by default.


Copyright (C) 2022 Wataru Inariba

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see


An open-source postflop solver library written in Rust

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Rust 100.0%