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Introduction to Consul Discovery for CodeMash 2018

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#Leveraging Spring Cloud Consul for Discovery - CodeMash 2018

by David Lucas @DavidDLucas



  • Instructions to setup and start consul
  • Directory breakdown:
    • The docker folder has some examples of running a docker instance of consul
    • The local folder has scripts to download the consul binary ( and start it (
    • The load folder contains scripts to load / save key value pairs



This example has a demo-service that have a /foo method and /hello/ method to demonstrate it is taking requests. This also using properties found under consul like "/config/application/foo with a value that will replace the default in the DemoController.

  • If starting from scratch, add a REST controller and include the @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, @RefreshScope , @RestController .
  • @RefreshScope is key to reloading properties from consul posting to Actuator's refresh endpoint
  • Start the demo-service using ./mvnw spring-boot:run
  • GET http://localhost:8080/hello to see the hello world message to include the default @Value.
  • Now change / create a key (config/application/foo) / value (CodeMash Rocks) in consul at http://localhost:8500/ui under Key / Value tab and create / navigate to /config/application/foo
  • Or you can create the key / value using curl curl -X PUT -d "CodeMash Rocks" http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/application/foo
  • In order to refresh the properties in the service when they are changed in consul, one just needs to POST the refresh endpoint
  • Example using curl: curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8080/application/refresh -o-
  • There is a script ( that can be used to execute the refresh POST.



This example is from the point of view of an application looking up the service and making a call. The actual code base just delegates its work to the original demo-service for a message.

  • This example uses Kotlin and delegates to the "demo-service" by making a call via the Spring RestTemplate to "http://demo-service". Using the @LoadBalanced annotation on the RestTemplate @Bean creation will help it discover the host port behind the scene.
  • Add to Demo Application class the @EnableDiscoveryClient (register) ( and optional @EnableFeignClients discovery for REST Template).
  • Add to example REST controller @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, @RefreshScope, @RestController


This example is to show how to add the zuul server (a type of api gateway) to the mix.

  • Annotations to add to enable gateway zuul server:
    • @EnableDiscoveryClient
    • @EnableFeignClients
    • @EnableZuulProxy


Please review the slides in the slides folder to read through what was attempted in the demo that might help understand. You can always reach out to me at @DavidDLucas or via issue.


This will most likely change with the upcoming Spring Boot 2 release. But it should be close to how it will be without any major changes.

This is a work in progress. This is not a secure example and should be changed to secure actuator and provide authentication.




Introduction to Consul Discovery for CodeMash 2018