lsegal / couch-todo

A simple TODO app written in Javascript using CouchDB

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Couch TODO

Written by Loren Segal in 2008. License is “steal-me”.


Put the index file in any directory in the couch www folder. I
used todo

This page was written to run from the /usr/local/share/couch/www
directory, so you might want to as well. It uses the jquery support
files as well as the stylesheet from the CouchDB utils apps, so if
you don’t house the file there you’ll need to copy the image, style,
and script directories from there.


Start your couchdb server with couchdb, and navigate to (if you
put the file in the todo subdirectory):


It works? Yay!


A simple TODO app written in Javascript using CouchDB