lscoder / grunt-jboss-as

Grunt plugin to download, extract, start JBoss AS, setup custom JVM parameters, setup a keystore, clean-build a Mavenized project and deploy an archive on JBoss AS.

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This project contains a Grunt plugin which includes tasks to:

  • Download and extract JBoss AS
  • Start JBoss AS with customized JVM parameters, custom HTTP/HTTPS ports and an optional keystore
  • Build a Maven project
  • (Re)deploy an archive on JBoss AS
  • Kill a process

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-jboss-as --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


download-jboss-as task

This task downloads the jboss-as-7.1.1.Final file and stores it inside the target destination directory.

    servers: {
        jboss: {
            download: {
                url: '',
                targetDir: 'target'



Type: String
Description: The URL to download the JBoss AS zip from


Type: String
Description: The target directory in which the JBoss AS zip is stored
Default: target

extract-jboss-as task

This task extracts the JBoss AS zip file in the configured target directory.

    servers: {
        jboss: {
            extract : {
                targetDir: 'target'



Type: String
Description: The target directory to host the extracted JBoss AS contents
Default: 'target'

start-jboss-as-default task

This task starts the JBoss AS in standalone mode, sets the configured ports, JVM parameters and keystore, using the grunt init configuration.

    servers: {
        jboss: {
            startup: {
                options: {
                    httpPort: 8081,
                    httpsPort: 8444,
                    xms: '512m',
                    xmx: '1024m',
                    maxPermSize: '256m',
                    bindingAddress: '',
                    keystoreAlias: 'aerogear',
                    keystorePassword: 'aerogear',
                    keystoreFile: '/home/aemmanou/git-repos/aerogear-js-cors-jsonp-tests/help-files/aerogear.keystore',
                    securityProtocol: 'TLSv1',
                    baseProcessId: 'jboss-as'



Type: Integer
Description: The HTTP port
Default: 8080


Type: Integer
Decsription: The HTTPS port
Default: 8443


Type: String
Description: Specify the initial size, in bytes, of the memory allocation pool
Default: 64m


Type: String
Description: Specify the maximum size, in bytes, of the memory allocation pool
Default: 512m


Type: String
Description: Max size of the separate area of the heap called Permanent Generation space
Default: 256m


Type: String
Description: Indicate the address where services should be listening


Type: String
Description: The alias used to for the server certificate in the keystore
Default: -


Type: String
Decsription: Password for both trustore and keystore
Default: -


Type: String
Decsription: The pathname of the keystore file where you have stored the server certificate to be loaded
Default: ``


Type: String
Decsription: The version of the SSL protocol to use. If not specified, Supported values: SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, SSLv2+SSLv3 and ALL
Default: -


Type: String
Description: The prefix of the JBoss AS process - used internally from the plugin
Default: -

start-jboss-as task

This task can be used as a standalone task in order to start a JBoss AS instance, set the configured ports, JVM parameters and keystore. It receives as input the following arguments in order: jbossHome, xms, xmx, permSize, bindingAddress, httpPort, httpsPort, keystoreAlias, keystorePassword, keystoreFile, securityProtocol. You can execute it by using:

grunt start-jboss-as:/home/user/jbosss-7.1.1.Final

You can pass more arguments by adding : and the argument's value. For instance, in order to startup a JBoss AS instance using the xms and xmx JVM parameters you have to execute:

grunt start-jboss-as:/home/user/jbosss-7.1.1.Final:128m:1024m

Note that the JBoss AS pid is printed in the stdout: [INFO] start-jboss-as: =====> process id: '__3835'. You can use the pid number e.g 3835 in order to kill the process, by using the stop-process task:

grunt stop-process:3835

maven-build-default task

This task cleans & builds the configured mavenized project.

    maven: {
        build: {
            pom: '/home/user/myproject/pom.xml'



Type: String
Description: The POM file's absolute path
Default: -

maven-build task

This task receives the pom file path as input and cleans/builds the mavenized project. It can be executed using:

grunt maven-build:/home/user/myproject/pom.xml

deploy-archive-jboss-as-default task

This task (re)deploys an archive to the default configured JBoss AS instance (the one which was downloaded and extracted by the above mentioned tasks).

    servers: {
        jboss: {
            deploy: {
                archive: '/home/user/myproject/target/myproject.war'



Type: String
Description: The absolute path of the archive which is going to be (re)deployed on the JBoss AS
Default: -

stop-all-processes task

This task is used to kill the processes created by the current plugin and more specifically the JBoss AS process. It should not be executed as standalone task.

stop-process task

This task can be used to kill a process. It can be executed as a standalone task using:

grunt stop-process:pid


The example folder contains a sample example which depicts how to use this plugin.

Release History


Released 30 September 2013

  • Initial release


Grunt plugin to download, extract, start JBoss AS, setup custom JVM parameters, setup a keystore, clean-build a Mavenized project and deploy an archive on JBoss AS.


Language:JavaScript 98.6%Language:CSS 1.4%