lriverawong / laravel-movie-ticket-system

An onlive movie ticket system built with Laravel Backend and VueJS Front End

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Laravel Docker Setup

Clone the repo and getting it working

First clone the repo in a directory

Then copy over both .env files from the team into laradock/ and team118-omts/

cp .env laradock/.env
cp .env team118-omts/.env

Then start the containers

docker-compose up -d nginx mysql phpadmin

Then enter the main container

cd laradock/
docker-compose exec --user=laradock workspace bash

Then install dependencies

composer install

Then generate your keys

php artisan key:generate

Optionally (run your migrations for your DB)

php artisan migrate

Laravel Blog Notes

Create project

composer create-project laravel/laravel laravel-blog

Inside project, clone laradock

git clone

Inside laradock, copy env-example as .env

Then modify .env to desired settings.

cp env-example .env

Go inside Laradock directory and start desired services.

docker-compose up -d nginx mysql

Enter container

docker-compose exec workspace bash

Have files created by host's user.

docker-compose exec --user=laradock workspace bash

Recompiling assets after changing sass vars in app/resources/assets/sass/_variables.scss

# inside project
npm run dev

Not having to run npm run dev, but automatically watch for asset changes

npm run watch

Create controller with basic crud functions

php artisan make:controller <item>sController --resource

Make model with migrations

php artisan make:model Post -m

See available routes

php artisan route:list

Added the following ckeditor:

Enable user authentication including all preprovided controllers.

php artisan make:auth

Run migration

php artisan migrate

Rollback migration

php artisan migrate:rollback

User url helpers

href="/custom-page" => href={{route('custom_page_name')}}


An onlive movie ticket system built with Laravel Backend and VueJS Front End


Language:HTML 46.4%Language:PHP 36.7%Language:Shell 10.8%Language:VCL 4.2%Language:Vue 1.1%Language:CSS 0.4%Language:Groovy 0.3%