lresner / ops_hospital_mapper

Map visualizations of Medicare chargemaster and outcomes data

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Hospitals charge drastically different amounts for the same procedure. In order to make this data accessible to the public and promote a discussion of the burgeoning cost of healthcare in the US, we've combined the recently released Medicare chargemaster data with government measures of quality, such as patient survey results and outcomes of care, geocoded all addresses, and mapped on Google Maps.

Live demo:


Setting up your development environment

  1. Fork and then clone to your computer

  2. Install all gems:

    $ bundle install
  1. Setup the database:
    $ rake db:create && rake db:migrate
  1. Load CSV files into your local database. (This will take up to twenty minutes to run). When it's done, you should have 3,337 hospitals and over 163,000 hospital_procedures:
    $ rake import:all
  1. Optional: Use the Figaro gem to set your Google Maps API key. (The app should run on your local machine without this step):
$ rails generate figaro:install

Edit your config/application.yaml file and add your google maps api key as GOOGLE_API_DEV.


Map visualizations of Medicare chargemaster and outcomes data