lpianta / fs_week

Full Stack Machine Learning Project

Home Page:https://lpianta.github.io/fs_week/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Short product title

Short explanation about it

Managing dependencies and installation

We are using pip-tools

Make sure to install pip-tools in the same environment you are working on.

pip install pip-tools

To build the .txt files use:

pip-compile -v --output-file requirements/production.txt requirements/production.in
pip-compile -v --output-file requirements/dev.txt requirements/dev.in

To sync the dependencies use:

pip-sync requirements/*.txt

If you are using a single file called requirements.txt (maybe easier at first), use it like:

pip-compile -v --output-file requirements/requirements.txt requirements/requirements.in
pip-sync requirements/requirements.txt

Testing the app

Testing is done using pytest. After you install it, from the root of the repo run:

python3 -m pytest -vv

Running the Flask app


Training a new model


Contributing to the docs

We are using mkdocs

Documentation is deployed using the command mkdocs gh-deploy do not update the files in GitHub directly. Update the markdown in your laptop and use the command. Also, remember to keep the mkdocs.yaml synchronized with your markdown files.


Full Stack Machine Learning Project



Language:Python 58.5%Language:Jupyter Notebook 37.0%Language:HTML 4.5%